AI is evolving and expanding exponentially and has the potential to bring huge benefits to our profession. Our goal is to empower you to explore and harness the potential of AI in engineering – appropriately, responsibly, and ethically.

Why 'Engineering and AI'?

As the engineering landscape changes, influenced in part by advancements in AI, there is a pressing need for the engineering profession to align its strategies, capabilities, and regulations. Engineering New Zealand has set up an initiative to ensure the profession remains relevant, responsive, and resilient to these developments.

This initiative is Engineering and AI.

Through this initiative Engineering New Zealand intends to:

  • advise on potential impacts of AI on members and the engineering profession in Aotearoa
  • recommend strategies, policies, training, and best practices for integrating AI with engineering
  • devise and recommend a work programme for Engineering New Zealand on AI, which may include but is not limited to studies, training programs, thought leadership, articles, presentations, and partnerships on initiatives.

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Your thoughts and insights matter to us. Engage with us as we explore AI's role in engineering together.

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