Our Engineering Heritage Award celebrates innovative heritage projects that have delivered value to a community, iwi, organisation, environment, education, or general New Zealand society.

Whether the project has excelled in physical restoration, adaptive use, interpretation, storytelling, or public programmes and education – this award celebrates all things heritage!

Aotearoa has a rich engineering and industrial heritage, worth appreciating and celebrating. We want to make sure everyone knows about and understands our major engineering achievements, and the contribution engineers make to society.

The award is a chance to further celebrate our engineering heritage, putting a spotlight on innovative work done by outstanding Kiwi engineers.

It's a great chance to promote your business, the amazing work you do, and the people you work with – as the finalists and winner receive widespread promotion of their heritage project. You'll also get noticed by businesses, decision-makers, and others in the engineering profession.

Recognition and celebration of projects in this space also helps to preserve precious heritage structures in future. Highlighting and promoting work where engineering techniques have helped to restore or repurpose heritage structures, contribute to New Zealand's wider industry knowledge.

Our 2022 Engineering Heritage Awards will take place toward the end of this year. If you've been involved in a heritage project that you think could take out this year's title, stay tuned...

In the meantime, check out the outstanding 2021 Engineering Heritage Award finalists and winner:

Read: Engineering New Zealand Heritage Award winners announced