At this stage in your career, there are many ways you can get involved as a volunteer. By volunteering for the profession, you can:

  • improve your communication and organisational skills
  • build your confidence
  • expand your network
  • Increase your leadership skills.

In turn, you’ll advance your career. Learn how below.

I found it so rewarding to coach and encourage young engineers.

 past mentor


Bring your engineering community together

Help bring engineering to life in your community by being part of your local Branch Committee.

Get involved


Support the world's future problem solvers

Volunteer your time to conduct mock interviews. It's like speed dating, but for careers. No interviewing experience is required, and it’ll count towards your CPD hours.

Learn more

Mentor : : Me

Mentor Emerging Professionals

Mentor : : Me is our free mentoring program for members, connecting experienced engineers with Emerging Professional Members in the early stages of their careers.

Get involved


Assess the next cohort of Chartered engineers

We’re always looking for more Practice Area Assessors to join our team. This voluntary role looks great on your CV and counts towards your CPD hours.

Learn more


Inspire Kiwi kids to love STEM

Help ensure our future STEM professions are diverse and thriving as an ambassador for the Wonder Project – Engineering New Zealand’s free schools programme that gets rangatahi excited about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Get involved