Chief Executive
Richard Templer
I became Engineering New Zealand Chief Executive in November 2020, after being Chief Executive of Manawatū District Council. I'm a Fellow and have a PhD in mechanical engineering and my career has included work for private companies, industry organisations, central and local government. I’m passionate about the vital role engineers and engineering have to play in New Zealand’s response to the challenges facing us. This includes engineering a better New Zealand in an economic, social, equitable and environmental sense. Engineering New Zealand is uniquely placed to both serve our members and make a difference for New Zealand.

General Manager – Member Services
Tania Williams
I lead Engineering New Zealand’s Member Services functions. Our Member Services team supports members, connects members, engages members, upskills, and informs members. Works with members to deliver consultancy and programmes. Creates celebrations for members. Member Services includes our engagement team, support services, sector programmes team, engineering practice and learning partnerships team. I and my team are passionate about supporting our members and raising the profile of the engineering profession. I am an engineer and joined Engineering New Zealand in 2017 after a long career at engineering and management consulting.

General Manager – Strategy
Jodi Caughley
I joined Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau in August 2019 as the Policy and Projects Lead. Since August 2022 I've been a General Manager, first in an acting capacity and now as the General Manager Strategy. My role at Engineering New Zealand involves oversight of our policy, governance, strategic programmes, service design and heritage work. Before joining Engineering New Zealand, I worked in the health industry on programme management, service development and policy. I’m from Canada and have an academic background in science. I'm passionate about supporting improved outcomes for the public, profession and organisation.

General Manager – Global
Brett Williams
I’ve been a GM at Engineering New Zealand since 2005. Before this, I was Manager Quality Assurance at the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, where I oversaw quality assurance of private training providers. My team has a key role in setting and maintaining standards for entry to the profession through our qualification accreditation programme and the operational support that we provide to the International Engineering Alliance and Vocational Engineering Education New Zealand. A key part of my role is to strengthen our international linkages and ensure that New Zealand's standards for qualification accreditation, competence-based membership and registration meet international standards. I love working with the passionate group of staff and members who maintain standards in a profession that makes such a huge difference to the safety and quality of life for New Zealanders and to our prosperity as a country.

General Manager – Promotion & Digital
Justin Brownlie
I joined Te Ao Rangahau as a General Manager in 2021. Prior to that I held a range of communications and marketing roles, with a particular interest in STEM - science, technology, engineering, and maths. My Group undertakes a range of work to support Engineering New Zealand Membership and the engineering profession. The functions the Group covers are marketing, information services, communication, business development, the Wonder Project and Diversity Agenda. So we're a varied team, but with the common passion of bringing engineering to life!

General Manager – People & Finance
Ben Vaughan
I joined Engineering New Zealand in September 2020 and am the General manager of People and Finance. I am a Chartered Accountant with over 12 years of experience. My Finance team has a passion for taking financial information and making it accessible, meaningful and useful for the organisation. Not only do we oversee the finances for Engineering New Zealand, but we also manage the financial process for eight Collaborative Technical Societies which are all separate legal entities. Our People Experience team influences the organisation to make it a great place to work to attract and maintain our exceptional talent.

General Manager – Legal Services & Complaints
Paul Kirby
I joined Te Ao Rangahau as a General Manager and General Counsel in January 2023. My team is responsible for the functions of the Registration Authority in accordance with the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2022. We have a Registrar and her team receives applications for registration, reassessments and maintains a register of Chartered Professional Engineers. We have a legal team that hears complaints about engineers and provides in house legal services to Engineering New Zealand. We're passionate about what we do and know that professional regulation plays an important role in ensuring the profession is valued and can be trusted by New Zealanders.