Competence Register Regulations

Engineers who meet certain competence standards in a field of practice may be recognised on a Competence Register among others who meet the same criteria. These Regulations relate to Competence Registers and their administration.

Competence Register Regulations

Continuing Professional Development Regulations

To stay competent, engineers need to undertake education, maintain their knowledge base and improve their skills. These Regulations specify the requirements for continuing professional development of members.

Continuing Professional Development Regulations

Complaints Resolution and Disciplinary Regulations

These Regulations set out Engineering New Zealand’s procedures for the early resolution, investigation, hearing and determination of concerns and complaints about Engineering New Zealand members.

Complaints Resolution and Disciplinary Regulations

Election/Transfer to Membership Class Regulations

Changing membership classes is common, often reflecting a change in professional standing. Procedures for approval into or changing between membership classes are contained in these Regulations.

Election or Transfer to Membership Classes Regulations

Annual Membership Fee Discount Regulations

Learn about the circumstances in which a member may be entitled to a discount on their Annual Membership Fee and the decision-making process for applications.

Annual Membership Fee Discount Regulations