16 Apr 2025,
9.00AM – 11.00AM
2 hrs
Auckland Transport Operations Centre
78 Taharoto Road
Free event
Join waiting list Add to Calendar 2025-04-16 09:00:00 2025-04-16 11:00:00 Pacific/Auckland Auckland Transport Operations Centre – Site Visit

ATOC carries out real-time monitoring, incident management, traffic signal optimisation and review as well as providing travel information to its customers. This site visit will give members of the Engineering New Zealand Auckland/Northland Transportation Group a greater understanding of how ATOC operates. On occasion, significant events occur which restrict access for visitors, if this occurs the site visit will go on with a reduced scope.

Note, this is a Transportation Group member only event. 

Meeting point, lobby beside ASB Bank. 

Spaces are limited, please register to confirm your place. Should demand dictate, future site visits may be arranged. 

Auckland Transport Operations Centre Engineering New Zealand

You're invited to visit the Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC). ATOC operates 24/7 to help manage the transport network in real-time. ATOC’s area of operation is from Taupō north, this includes approximately 3000km of state highways plus around 7500km of arterial/local roads in Auckland and dozens of public transport facilities.

ATOC carries out real-time monitoring, incident management, traffic signal optimisation and review as well as providing travel information to its customers. This site visit will give members of the Engineering New Zealand Auckland/Northland Transportation Group a greater understanding of how ATOC operates. On occasion, significant events occur which restrict access for visitors, if this occurs the site visit will go on with a reduced scope.

Note, this is a Transportation Group member only event. 

Meeting point, lobby beside ASB Bank. 

Spaces are limited, please register to confirm your place. Should demand dictate, future site visits may be arranged.