Support your engineering professionals to become a member of Engineering New Zealand, and they’ll build connections, enhance their credibility, and grow their career. This will directly benefit your organisation by positioning you as a market leader, and an employer of engineers with the skills, networks, and knowledge to work collaboratively across the profession.

Encourage your engineers to become members of Te Ao Rangahau and you’ll be opening them up to a world of opportunities to network and connect.
Whether it’s a site visit, seminar, working group or social event, they’ll meet a range of engineers across fields and career stages. This will move them outside of their own silo to connect on relevant and stimulating issues like Engineering Climate Action, engineering best practice and much more.
By joining Engineering New Zealand, your employees will make connections through the following, and more:
- Conferences and networking events
- Volunteering – including getting involved with their local branch, becoming a Wonder Project Ambassador, and becoming a mentor for new engineers
- Involvement with technical interest groups in their field of interest.

Encourage your engineers to gain Chartership or if applicable, become a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). This will strengthen their credibility and standing in the profession.
Chartered Membership is an internationally benchmarked quality mark demonstrating engineering expertise, commitment, and ethical standards. CPEng is an internationally accredited quality mark of competence that shows an engineer can deal with complex engineering problems requiring expert technical knowledge.
Employing engineers with both or one of these internationally recognised quality marks will strengthen your business reputation and credibility. How? – by giving other companies, government, and the public confidence in your engineers.
Another member benefit that will boost your engineers’ credibility is the unlimited access they’ll have to valuable information and resources – including crucial technical information like practice notes and guidance.
Career growth

When your engineers grow in their career journey, so too does their knowledge, expertise, and confidence to tackle complex engineering challenges and contribute more to your business.
There may be professional development opportunities you don’t offer in-house, and that’s where we come in. We’ll support your engineers throughout their learning journey, including inviting them to complete important modules like our introduction to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, or to attend our climate conversations to support Engineering Climate Action.
Find out how your engineers can grow their careers
Other member and employer benefits

For members
- Free access to join Special Interest Group for Immigrant Engineers (SIGIE).
- Free access to join Temporary Works Forum NZ.
- Free access to join the Heritage Special Interest Group.
- Access to apply to join a technical interest group to connect with like-minded engineers.
- Access to guidelines to assist engineers on internal quality control and providing clear communication to building consent authorities.
- Virtual catch ups for mid-career engineers who have been working for 8-15 years.
- Access to guidance and webinars on getting Chartered and maintaining Chartership through reassessments.
- Access to Obtaining 40 hours CPD per year – Engineering General Practitioner series.
- Access to climate action resources and webinars.
- Access to customised in-house CPD courses, as well as our programme of professional development learning activities.
- Free access to Engineering New Zealand wellbeing resources and Āki, the MAS wellbeing hub.
- Free access to our regular email newsletter and EG – our member magazine
- Free access to EN.CORE – a discount app available to members.
- Exclusive access to Engineering New Zealand’s Remuneration Survey results.
- Opportunity to become a Wonder Project Ambassador.
- Opportunity to take part in our Mentor : : Me programme as mentor or mentee.
For employers
- Thrive – a dedicated two-day event for employers of engineers, focused on helping you engage, share, learn, and be inspired.
- Access to sign up to The Diversity Agenda Accord.
- Virtual catch ups for you to connect, discuss challenges, and share solutions.
- Supporter symbol for you to use on company collateral.
- Checklists to track your engineers’ Chartership progress.
- Access to a development programme for Emerging Professionals.
- Opportunities to advertise internships for free.
- Opportunities to advertise your business and engineering jobs through our Engineering New Zealand channels.