The only branch based outside New Zealand, the UK Branch want to meet members living in the UK or just visiting – if that’s you, join them for site visits, technical presentations and social events. Their events are great opportunities to meet and mix with other Kiwi engineers in the UK. They also share a regular programme of events with engineers from Australia and Singapore.


David Bigwood

Judy Henderson

Past Chair
Professor Michael Davies

Selwyn Aickin

Events organiser
Jane Rendall


Ben Snalam

UK Branch delegate based in Wellington
Robert Lorimer

Committee members

  • Ian Kirker
  • Louai Kardouh


The history of our UK Branch is different from our home branches. The branch was originally set up as an association in 1966 by a group of Kiwi engineers living in the UK and British engineers who had worked in New Zealand. The Association was established so that these people with a common interest in New Zealand and engineering could maintain links with each other.

Although it started independently, it has long been thought of as being the UK Branch of Engineering New Zealand and acted as such until 2004 when the arrangement was formalised. The Association’s rules were changed to reflect the relationship and Engineering New Zealand took over membership administration. The Association still exists for practical reasons but operates in the same way as our New Zealand based branches.

Visit the UK website

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Branch members