We offer a range of live-presenter-facilitated courses as well as on-demand learning activities that can be completed at any time and in any location.

On Demand Formal Learning

  • Recorded webinars – typically shorter in duration (1 – 1.5 hrs) interactive learning activities covering all three competency domains.
  • Online modules – longer in duration (1.5 – 8 hrs) self-guided, interactive learning modules completed in your own time and in any location covering all three competency domains.

Live Formal Learning

  • Online courses – variable length (from 3 – 8 hours) that are delivered remotely by an experienced presenter.
  • In-person courses – either half day (3.5 – 4 hours) or full day (7.5 – 8 hours) delivered face-to-face by one of our experienced presenters.
  • In-house courses courses delivered at your organisation that can be customised to suit your needs on a date that is best for you and the presenter.

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