Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an annual celebration of te reo Māori, an official language of Aotearoa New Zealand. Find out how you can incorporate the language into your everyday.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori kicks off on Saturday 14 September, marking 52 years since the Māori Language Petition was presented to Parliament.

The theme for Te Wiki 2024 is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language’. This powerful phrase captures the resilience, adaptability, and endurance of te reo Māori. It symbolises the unwavering commitment of New Zealanders to keep learning, speaking and cherishing te reo Māori for generations to come.

Celebrate with us

Join the important journey to embrace Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview) and te reo Māori into the engineering profession.

We believe it’s important that te reo is celebrated not only during Te Wiki o te Reo, but every day. You too, can make a commitment to celebrate and incorporate te reo in your every day with us.

Our commitment to incorporating te reo Māori

We’ve committed to using 16 kupu instead of their English equivalent to ensure we incorporate te reo into our communications with you.

More kupu will continue to be added to our commitment and our hope is that you too will have the confidence to give te reo a go.

You’ll notice that we’ll start to avoid using the accompanying English equivalents of te reo in our communications as you become more familiar with the kupu.

Have a go at familiarising yourself with the below kupu, then keep an eye out for these words in our communications. Increase your confidence with using the below kupu this week and every day.

Our kupu commitment 

Te reo

English definition

Te reo Kia ora

English definition Hello (informal)

Te reo Mahi

English definition (noun) work, job, employment, trade (work), practice, occupation, activity, exercise, operation, function. (Is also a verb).

Te reo Hui

English definition (noun) gathering, meeting, assembly, seminar, conference.

Te reo Kōrero

English definition (noun) a conversation, discussion or meeting.

Te reo Motu

English definition (noun) island, country, land, nation, clump of trees, ship - anything separated or isolated.

Te reo Aotearoa

English definition New Zealand

Te reo Whānau

English definition (noun) extended family, family group, a familiar term of address to a number of people - the primary economic unit of traditional Māori society. In the modern context the term is sometimes used to include friends who may not have any kinship ties to other members.

Te reo Awa

English definition (noun) river, stream, creek, canal, gully, gorge, groove, furrow.

Te reo Moana

English definition (noun) sea

Te reo Kai

English definition (noun) food

Te reo Wai

English definition (noun) water

Te reo Waiata

English definition (noun) song or chant (is also a verb)

Te reo Tamariki

English definition (noun) children

Te reo Hoa

English definition (noun) friend, companion, mate, partner, spouse, ally.

Te reo Tane/Tāne

English definition (noun) man/men

Te reo Wahine/Wāhine

English definition (noun) woman, female, lady, wife/plural form is wāhine.

Te reo Māori success in STEM

To ensure ākonga Māori (Māori students) feel represented in the industry, the Wonder Project, Engineering New Zealand’s free schools programme, is working to champion the use of te reo Māori across their kaupapa (programme).

The Wonder Project now offer their flagship Rocket Challenge in te reo Māori, have developed a new Water Challenge embedded in Mātauranga Māori and Western STEM, and have committed to their own set of kupu Māori to use instead of English.

As a result, they’ve seen a 500% increase in STEM professionals reporting they use their Wonder Project volunteering experience to practice te reo Māori.

Whether it be in the classroom, in emails, or in everyday kōrero, the Wonder rōpū are encouraged by their community’s willingness to honour their kupu commitment and celebrate te reo Māori within STEM learning.

The Wonder Project Rōpū kupu commitment

Te reo

English equivalent

Te reo Ākonga

English equivalent Student

Te reo Kaiako

English equivalent Teacher

Te reo Rōpū

English equivalent Team

Te reo Hapori

English equivalent Community

Te reo Kupu

English equivalent Word

Te reo Pātai

English equivalent Question

Te reo Mahi

English equivalent Work

Te reo Pānui

English equivalent Read

Te reo Kōrero

English equivalent Speak

Te reo Whakarongo

English equivalent Listen

How will you give te reo a go?

Try using some of the words listed in our kupu commitments in your everyday or, check out some of the resources below.

Further rauemi (online resources):

Kia māhorahora te reo – let’s make it seen, let’s make it heard.