Engineering New Zealand has been asked to provide an expert engineering panel to help resolve claims for all types of natural disasters.

In 2018, the Government developed two key initiatives to resolve the outstanding insurance claims related to the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. These were the Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service (GCCRS) and the Canterbury Earthquake Insurance Tribunal.

To support the work of the GCCRS and the Tribunal, Engineering New Zealand established an independent expert panel which the GCCRS and the Tribunal called upon for technical and expert advice and facilitation services.

In February 2023, the Government replaced the GCCRS with the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service, extending support to all homeowners for all natural disasters. As part of that, Engineering New Zealand has been asked to provide a panel of technical and facilitative engineering expertise. This new panel will be known as the Engineering New Zealand Natural Disaster Recovery Panel.

We now need Panel members from throughout New Zealand and with experience in providing technical advice for damage resulting from the likes of flooding, landslips, wildfire, tsunami, and storms.

Are you interested? Find out more and apply to join the Engineering New Zealand Natural Disaster Recovery Panel.

Applications close on Monday 22 May 2023.