27 Oct 2021
Our Governing Board has approved the appointment of an additional Board member to strengthen its Te Ao Māori capability. We are seeking expressions of interest from members who would like to be considered for this appointment.
We are undergoing a comprehensive Governance Review, and one of our aims is to build the Te Ao Māori capability of the Board and its members. This is part of the terms of reference for the Governance Review but will take time to action. In the meantime, the Board would like to build capability by appointing a Board member with skill in this area. This is a fixed-term appointment until March 2023 or when any changes resulting from the Governance Review are implemented.
Capability: not just representation
We want to be clear that we want Te Ao Māori capability on the Board: not just representation. Ultimately, we would like to see all Board members appointed have Te Ao Māori capability. An effective Māori voice at Board level is critical to give effect to our organisation’s commitment to improve Māori participation in the profession and the incorporation of Māori principles, perspectives, and values. Te Ao Māori capability on the Board will help to ensure that planning, development, and delivery of our activities and services are appropriate and effective for Māori members.
The incorporation of Te Ao Māori is a collective Board responsibility. However, there will need to be upskilling of the full Board over time to achieve this.
Having a sole Appointed Member who holds this Te Ao Māori lens in the interim is a good first step, but not ideal, and we will need to be considerate of the pressure on them to lead with this perspective and ensure that strong leadership enables all voices to be heard around the table. It is important that the Appointed Member not only has Te Ao Māori capability but can participate as a full member of the Governing Board, being familiar with the issues and developments in the engineering profession and well-versed in governance.
While this will be a new step for Engineering New Zealand, it is in keeping with what other organisations are doing to ensure their own Te Ao Māori capability. Other organisations that have taken similar steps with their own Board representation include Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects, the Royal Society Te Apārangi, New Zealand Planning Institute – Te Kokiringa Taumata, Water New Zealand Waiora Aotearoa, as well as councils, DHBs and school boards.
Skills and attributes
The proposed Appointed Member would need to have the mātauranga to support Engineering NZ and the board by demonstrating an understanding of the following Te Ao Māori capabilities and essential attributes:
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the importance of treaty partnerships and relationships. Upholding Te Tiriti articles and principles in all facets of Engineering.
- Te Ao Māori: Worldview knowledge, mātauranga Māori, contemporary Māori perspectives and values – including Rangatiratanga, Kaitiakitanga, Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga etc.
- Kaupapa Māori: Understands Kaupapa Māori outcomes, equity and initiatives to encourage Te Ao Māori within Engineering and to supplement Engineering New Zealand’s strategic pillars.
- Tikanga/kawa: Understands and capable of practising tikanga/kawa.
- Te Reo Māori: Understands and capable of speaking Te Reo Māori
- Engagement with Māori: ability to engage and work with Iwi Māori, Māori Engineers, and the Māori membership of Engineering NZ.
- Māori Engineering: Knowledge of Māori in Engineering.
This is a fixed-term appointment until March 2023 or when any changes resulting from the Governance Review are implemented.
How to apply
Applicants should include a CV and cover letter setting out your experience in governance and how you meet the skills and attributes set out above.
If you’d like to know more about this position or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us for a confidential discussion.
We would like to hear from you by 30 November 2021 if you're interested in this role.
To apply or enquire about this role, please email board.secretary@engineeringnz.org
The successful candidate will be appointed by the senior office holders of the Governing Board.