This week the Government announced the first projects to be fast-tracked through its new, compressed consenting process.

Projects to be fast-tracked are:

  • Kaikohe water storage facility
  • Unitec – Phase 1
  • Te Pa Tahuna – Phase 1
  • Papakāinga Network Development
  • Britomart East Upgrade
  • Papakura to Pukekohe electrification
  • Wellington Metro Upgrade programme
  • Picton Ferry Dock and Terminal upgrade
  • Northern Pathway (cycleway and walkway between Westhaven and Akoranga in Auckland)
  • Papakura to Drury SH1 roading upgrade
  • Te Ara Tūpuna – a cycleway and walkway between Petone and Ngauranga in Wellington

The Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-Track Consenting) Bill will be introduced in the House this week. The Bill, once passed, will refer projects directly to an expert consenting panel, which will have similar powers to the consenting authorities under the Resource Management Act. The new process intends to support the speedy progression of specific projects through the consenting process.

Applications for future projects to be fast-tracked under the new Bill will be made to the Minister for the Environment, who will consider these projects before they are forwarded to the expert consenting panel.

Where are the shovel-ready projects?

It's our understanding that announcements on shovel-ready projects are still coming. These projects will be funded by the central government.

We've been concerned about delays in announcements on the shovel-ready projects and highlighted this in our local body funding issues opinion piece.

We will keep you updated as the situation continues to unfold.