16 Aug 2023
Young Engineer Alyce Lysaght has been appointed to the governing Board until the next AGM, bringing young engineers' and Te Ao Māori perspectives to the table. Hear what it means to her to be appointed to the Board, and find out what she wants to achieve in her tenure.

Alyce Lysaght, the newest Engineering New Zealand Board member.
The Engineering New Zealand Board agreed that there was a skills vacancy best filled by an Emerging Professional Member, and sought to fill the position with a young engineer who demonstrates a real passion for the profession. As the highest polling young professional in the Board elections earlier this year, Alyce was a standout candidate for the position, with the added bonus of bringing strong experience and capability in Te Ao Māori. Alyce is a non-voting member of the Board.
What does it mean to you to be appointed to the Board?
A huge amount. I hope that by being appointed to the Board, I can help to inspire other rangatahi to feel confident to put themselves forward into positions where their voices can be heard – whatever that looks like for them. The Board is an important lever to the industry, so being able to represent voices that have been missing means a great deal.
I will bring a fire in my belly.
What changes do you want to see in your tenure on the Board?
The organisation’s rautaki of ‘Kimihia Rangahaua’ has begun with the current step being wānanga with Māori in the industry across the country. I will, of course, be a big supporter of this during my tenure. I am extremely excited about the change Kimihia Rangahaua will have in the industry this year and the years to come. Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai – nurture the seed and it will grow.
In your Board election candidate profile, you mentioned that you’re bringing a ‘fire in your belly’. What motivates you?
What motivates me are those who walked before me and those who will walk after me – it feels that simple. This whakaaro is what grounds me in all of my decision making.
You’re bringing young engineers’ perspective to the Board – why is this important?
As young engineers, we will be working towards solutions to a lot of the same issues we are facing today for the large portion of our career, so having a young engineers’ voice and perspective is important in today's decision making for tomorrow.
It’s also important because of the organisation’s membership make-up. Out of perceived engagement by members in 2022, Emerging Professionals make up 37%. It is important to have representation on the Board because of this large proportion of Emerging Professionals in its membership. My responsibility now is to fairly represent that voice as best as I can.
At Engineering New Zealand, each staff member has their own ‘Engineering Envy’ – a feat of engineering that inspires them or has personal significance to them. What's your Engineering Envy?
It’s hard to say one certain project, so I am going to answer this as everything that Pūniu River Care Inc does. Pūniu River Care promotes connection back to the whenua, meaningful employment all while restoring the Pūniu River. I found out about Shannon Te Huia, Pou Tāhūhū of Pūniu River Care Inc and Environmental Engineer, at New Zealander of the Year where he won 2021 Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year. This recognition was awarded based off impact. What Shannon and his team does, is proof that engineering has the potential to positively impact te taiao, us and our connection back to it. Now, how inspiring is that!
Find out more about the Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau Board