Harnessing data to help athletes perform better has won Engineering New Zealand’s 2019 Student Innovator award.

Komodo Monitor

Matt Goodson, Matt Simpson and their academic supervisor Miguel Morales

Two final-year University of Canterbury software engineering students won the award thanks to their work for Komodo Monitr, a software start-up that provides athlete monitoring solutions.

Matt Goodson and Matt Simpson created a web application that allows training and wellness data to be entered from any device, providing an overall picture of performance and creating individualised training recommendations.

They say it’s designed to reduce injury and boost performance, allowing coaches to instantly see how team members are tracking as well as allowing individual players to see their metrics.

Engineering New Zealand’s judges described the students’ work as a “complex and multi-faceted challenge” that included interdisciplinary work with a non-engineering business partner.

As a result of this project, Matt Goodson has now joined Komodo Monitr as Chief Technology Officer.

The Student Innovator of the Year Award seeks to encourage a new generation of innovative engineering designers. It’s awarded to the student or group of students who present the best final-year project with a substantial design component as part of an Engineering New Zealand-accredited qualification.