Submissions on Government initiated programmes are one of the ways we ensure the voice of engineers is considered. Engineering New Zealand responds to these proposals by utilising the expertise of our members to help shape Government policy.

Consultations that are currently open and Engineering New Zealand is intending to submit on:


Closing date


Consultation Science System Advisory Group: Phase 2

Closing date 4 April 2025

Notes Phase 2 consists of high-level questions regarding the funding tools and mechanisms for the science, innovation and technology sectors.

Government will soon be seeking feedback on a range of important issues, including:


Expected due date for consultation


Consultation Emergency Management Bill Consultation Document

Expected due date for consultation First half of 2025

Notes A consultation document on legislative options is coming out the first half of 2025.

The Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery intends to introduce a new bill in the second half of 2025, to be enacted in 2026.

Consultation Vocational Education Reform

Expected due date for consultation June 2025

Notes Consultation is occurring on the coverage of industry skills bodies and funding system. 

This will be before legislation is introduced later in the year.

Consultation Draft National Infrastructure Plan

Expected due date for consultation July 2025

Notes A draft plan is being released for comment. It will outline: 

– What’s needed and what should we be spending over the next 30 years? 
– What’s NZ’s planned investment over the next 10 years? 
– What’s the gap between the long-term infrastructure need and planned investment? How do we address that gap?

Consultation Resource Management Act- Replacement legislation

Expected due date for consultation Second half of 2025

Notes The Government is proposing to replace the RMA with two new laws. One focussed on managing the environmental effects and the other to enable urban development and infrastructure.  

Legislation is expected to be passed into law by mid-2026.

Consultation Granny flats

Expected due date for consultation Mid 2025

Notes Focussing on making it easier to build small, self-contained and detached houses, commonly known as ‘granny flats’ on property with an existing home on it. 

Legislation is expected to be introduced by mid-2025.

Consultation Building - consent authority structure and liability

Expected due date for consultation TBC- Likely mid-late 2025

Notes This will look at options to reform BCA structure to drive consistency, certainty and efficiency in the building consenting system. 

This will likely be coupled with consideration of joint and several liability and options to enhance the role of private insurance. 

There is likely to be targeted engagement initially.

Consultation Building - self-certification scheme

Expected due date for consultation TBC- 2025/2026

Notes New self-certification scheme for trusted building professionals and accredited businesses carrying out low risk building work.
There is likely to be targeted consultation.

Consultation Earthquake-Prone Building and Seismic Risk Management Review

Expected due date for consultation Mid 2025- 2026

Notes Consultation document expected. 

The purpose of the Review is to ensure seismic risk in existing buildings is being managed effectively and in a workable, proportionate way.

Consultation Science Sector Reforms

Expected due date for consultation Second half of 2025

Notes The review centres on the Science Advisory Group’s recommendations to strengthen New Zealand’s science, innovation, and technology sector. 

Legislation to be introduced (likely quarter 2).

Consultation University Advisory Group

Expected due date for consultation Late 2025

Notes The review centres on the University Advisory Group’s advice on improving New Zealand’s university system, focusing on equity, the Performance Base Research Fund, and international education. Advice will inform policy changes. 

The Group is expected to deliver its final report to Government by April 2025. 

This will be published once Cabinet has considered it (likely end of 2025/early 2026).

Consultation Going for Housing Growth

Expected due date for consultation Late 2025

Notes Legislation is expected to be introduced in late 2025. 

This programme is made up of three pillars: 
– Freeing up land for urban development, including removing unnecessary planning barriers. 
– Improving infrastructure funding and financing to support urban growth. 
– Providing incentives for communities and councils to support growth.

Consultation Fire Safety Review

Expected due date for consultation 2026

Notes The review aims to ensure that fire safety in the Building Code achieves the purpose and principles of the Building Act 2004.  

It is likely that MBIE will consult on options to address the issues they consulted on in December 2024.

We’re following these topics closely and this page will be regularly updated.

We’re also working on other important topics beyond these consultations (such as the long-term engineering skills shortage).

We welcome your input to help shape our response. If you're interested in getting involved, please get in touch with us at