Have a look at our submissions from 2019 and earlier to see what a difference using your voice can make.


A Vision for Hydrogen Submission – October 2019

Health and Safety at Work Better Regulation – October 2019

New Zealand Qualifications Framework Review – September 201

Building Code Update – September 2019

Dam Safety – August 2019

Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill – July 2019

Productivity commission – July 2019

Occupational regulation – June 2019

Building system legislative reform – June 2019

Draft Submission to the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill – June 2019

Submission for Earthquake Commission Public Inquiry – May 2019

Infrastructure Commission Bill – May 2019

Briefing for meeting with Minister Woods – May 2019

Reform of Vocational Education Discussion Document – April 2019

NZSOLD Letter to Minister Salesa – March 2019  

Substantial Alterations – February 2019  

Briefing for Meeting with Minister Mahuta – February 2019  

Briefing for Meeting with Minister Genter - February 2019

Briefing for MBIE on Dam Safety Assurance – January 2019


Submission to Productivity Commission on Local Government Funding and Financing – November 2018

Briefing to Minister Salesa – November 2018

National Disaster Resilience Strategy Submission

Submission to MBIE on Fire Acceptable Solution CAS2 by SFPE and IFE

Submission to Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee on the Building Act Amendment Bill

Submission to New Zealand Treasury - A new independent infrastructure body

Letter to Hon Andrew Bayly M

Submission to Building Code Changes 2018

Submission to Wellington City Council Proposed 10-Year Plan

Submission to the Zero Carbon Bill Discussion Document

Letter to Minister Genter June 2018

Submission to Productivity Commission Draft Report Low-emissions Economy 08 June 2018

Transportation Group NZ Submission to the Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport May 2018

Letter to Minister Mahuta May 2018

Letter from Minister of Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta on water reform

Briefing with Minister Salesa - March 2018

Briefing with Minister Shaw - April 201

Water Reform March 2018 Joint Letter with Infrastructure New Zealand

Health and Safety by Design – Good Practice guidelines


Letter to Hon J Salesa - Introduction to incoming Minister October 2017

Letter to Hon S Jones - Introduction to incoming Minister

Letter to Hon J Shaw - Introduction to incoming Minister

Letter to Hon Dr M Woods - Introduction to incoming Minister

Amendments to B1/VM1 and loop bar connection ban 2017

Proposals for Regulations under the Building (Earthquake-Prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016

Proposals for a Methodology to Identify Earthquake-Prone Buildings

Building Performance Standards

Government Policy Statement on Land Transport

Clean Water

Guidelines for Assessing Historic Places and Historic Areas on the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero

Land Transport Rule – Setting of Speed Limits

Havelock North Water Inquiry

Ministerial Review – Better Responses to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies in New Zealand


Update report to MBIE on membership pathway

Southland Water and Land Plan

Marlborough Environment Plan

Health and Safety by Design

Northland Draft Regional Plan

Better Urban Planning – Productivity Commission

Land Transport Amendment Bill

Regulatory Systems (Commercial Matters) Amendment Bill

Amending Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods

Eighth Periodic Report by the Government of New Zealand in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Review of the Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Rule

Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Bill

Resource Legislation Amendment Bill


Queenstown Lakes District Plan Review, Chapter 26: Historic Heritage

Dunedin City Council’s Second Generation District Plan

Engineering Skills: Call for Evidence Review of Tier 2

Building Act Emergency Management Proposals


Submission to MBIE Occupational Regulation of Engineers


Who, What, Wai? Improving Urban Water Services


A Safer New Zealand: Reducing our Exposure to Natural Hazards