Transport Engineer
Bridget Burdett
Bridget is a transport engineer and researcher with a doctorate in cognitive psychology. She is Chair of Engineering New Zealand's Transportation Group and Principal Researcher at MRCagney, based in Hamilton. She works on transport research, policy, and practice for a variety of government, university, and private sector clients around New Zealand.

Environmental Engineer
Jonathan Chambers
Jonathan is an environmental engineer based in Auckland working for NZ-owned consultancy Harrison Grierson. His expertise spans stormwater and flood hazard management, water sensitive urban design, and sustainability. He has recently been working with coastal communities to understand climate impacts on natural hazards and won the young engineer of the year award at the 2021 Engineering NZ ENVIs awards.

University of Auckland Lecturer & Structural Engineer
Dr Sandeeka Vamudi Mannakkara
Sandeeka is a University of Auckland lecturer and structural engineer. She specialises in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, city resilience and climate change adaptation. Sandeeka led and worked on the MBIE funded Resilient Cities Network Development and Build Back Better Projects. Her interests lie in holistic and community-focused solutions and she is working on the integration of indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation solutions for Aotearoa and elsewhere.

Natural Resources & Humanitarian Engineering Graduate
Alyce Lysaght
Alyce (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Pākehā) is a recent Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha/University of Canterbury Natural Resources and Humanitarian Engineering graduate. Alyce began her reo Māori journey at the start of her degree. Today, her passions lie in learning how to incorporate te Ao and reo Māori into engineering to better sustain te taiao for generations to come. This passion is evident in her mahi such as the 'Māori in Engineering' podcast.