How does our built environment contribute to climate change and how can we reduce the embodied and operational greenhouse gas …
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Energy accounts for around 40 percent of Aotearoa New Zealand’s gross emissions. Continuing to innovate and drive change in the …
Technology and digital systems are essential in modern society and can help model impacts and solutions to climate change. But …
Agriculture accounts for almost half of Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions and the resources that primary industry develops are not only …
Research and development is a crucial part of climate action, driving innovation.
Transport accounts for approximately 20 percent of Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions. How can we think about and do transportation differently …
Waste accounts for approximately 5 percent of Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions. Waste management provides opportunities and challenges across mitigation, adaptation …
Our water systems will be impacted by climate change. Engineers are vital in designing and implementing solutions to improve and …
Sustainable management of the coastal and marine environment requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Engineers play a significant role in managing and …