Glen Cornelius
FEngNZ, CPEng, IntPE(NZ)
I’m a Chartered Professional Engineer, Fellow of Engineering New Zealand and a Chartered Director. I'm currently the Chief Executive of the law firm, Duncan Cotterill with the exciting challenge of applying my experience in a setting outside of engineering to guide the professional services firm towards being the 'go-to' for privately owned businesses. My passion has always been engineering. Helping develop and grow people and making our community and Aotearoa a better place to live, are some of my key drivers. I'm the Immediate Past President of Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau and I’ve served three years on the Engineering New Zealand’s Standards & Accreditation Board and the Association of Consulting and Engineering NZ, building credibility and trust in the engineering profession. Outside Duncan Cotterill, I’m the Chair of Habitat for Humanity New Zealand, a not-for-profit organisation working in partnership with families in housing need. Being part of Habitat reminds me every day about the important work engineers do helping enable people, ultimately creating sustainable communities for everyone.

Helen Davidson
I’m an experienced executive with a background in law, policy, and dispute resolution. I joined the world of engineering in 2016, first as General Manager at Engineering New Zealand leading the mahi of legal, governance, people, and public affairs, and more recently as Chief Executive at the Association of Consulting and Engineering (ACE) New Zealand. Prior to this, I spent 15 years working mainly in the health sector and academia, working across the areas of patient complaints, care quality, and medical ethics. In 2017 I was awarded the ILANZ Private Sector Inhouse Lawyer of the Year and Innovation awards, and in 2019 led our legal team to win Inhouse Legal Team of the Year. I sit on the New Zealand Health Research Council Ethics Committee and the Ahu Charitable Trust. I’m also a working mum living on the beautiful Kapiti Coast! I'm honoured to Chair the Engineering New Zealand Foundation, working with amazing trustees to deliver a vision of supporting a thriving engineering profession – a profession that delivers so much for our communities in Aotearoa.

Derrick Adams
I’m a civil engineer with almost 40 years experience in the infrastructure sector. I’m currently the Board Chairman of HEB Construction and also serve on the Board of Cassidy Construction and several major infrastructure project boards. I’m a Trustee of the Auckland University Engineering Association Charitable Trust and a former President of Engineering New Zealand. It's a privilege to have the opportunity to serve as a trustee of the Engineering New Zealand Foundation.

Sina Cotter-Tait
FEngNZ, MInstD
Weaving together a 20-year career in professional engineering, governance and education, I firmly believe that engineers make a massive contribution to society and our world every day. In addition to being a current Chartered Engineer based in Ōtautahi-Christchurch where I run my own consultancy Collective Success, I’m also Pasifika and a working mum. I’m passionate about supporting more Māori and Pasifika rangatahi into professional engineering and leadership, therefore we sponsor the Cotter Tait Scholarship for Māori and Pasifika students studying engineering at University of Canterbury. A two-time recipient of the Engineering New Zealand Fulton-Downer Gold Medal, and a former member of the Engineering New Zealand Governing Board, I now serve in a governance capacity for several infrastructure-centred agencies, including the boards of CEAS, Te Waihanga (the Infrastructure Commission), Whitestone Contracting, and the North Otago Irrigation Company. I’m honoured to offer my skills and experience to the Foundation’s board, and to support its vision to grow the future of our profession from the generosity of our members. It’s a privilege to be serving as a Trustee for the Foundation, to work alongside superb co-Trustees, and to contribute my energy and time to support the kaupapa.

Mike Ferrand
For more than 40 years I’ve run large companies, chaired various boards and been a business consultant. I am currently involved in the industry through Babbage Consultants as Chairman and previously in Greenstone Group as their Chairman, but I have no engineering background, so I may not seem a natural fit with the Foundation. That said, I am driven by helping people to deal with life’s challenges. This has seen me involved in mentoring, counselling and training at Lifeline, and support of investments in early childhood programmes, education, and fellowship grants with Next Foundation. It is through this mix of commercial acumen and care for people, that I hope to add value to the Board of Trustees. The Foundation is tasked with growing a thriving professional environment for engineers. I am excited to be part of the team charged with achieving this on behalf of generous industry supporters.

Jamie Pye (Ngātiwai, Ngāpuhi)
I'm a project manager at RCP, with a background in electrical engineering and industrial water design. I'm also currently the president of South Pacific Engineering Excellence, a network of Māori and Pasifika professional engineers. I'm passionate about changing the landscape of the engineering industry and making sure we are creating pathways to make our industry more diverse. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do this as a trustee of the Engineering New Zealand Foundation.

Josiah Simmonds (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Ranginui)
I’m a technical leader in the stormwater management and design landscape industries, and work across the country, both within the public sector and for iwi entities. I have a passion to create solutions that are future-focused and enhance social benefits for communities by incorporating low-impact and culturally sensitive design approaches. In previous roles, I have gained valuable experience in finance and risk management, and fundraising. My commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion, and developing knowledge and experience with Te Tiriti, will contribute to the Foundation's efforts in growing Māori and Pacific peoples' participation in professional engineering. This kaupapa is of personal importance to me as a Māori engineer with a passion for fostering and supporting the growth of Māori and Pacific representation within STEM. My background in philanthropy and volunteering and my strong belief in the value of giving back, makes me excited about being able to contribute my skills, energy, and expertise to the Foundation’s strategic direction. I enjoy working with our team of dedicated trustees to make a positive impact on the lives of aspiring and current engineers and wider communities. “Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi – With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone”.

Adrian van Dyk
I have spent my career in many different industries, and my focus has always been on people and how to achieve great results through great people. In my current role as the General Manager for Resonant Consulting, based in Palmerston North, I have the pleasure of leading a team of highly professional engineers, both structural and civil, surveyors and land development experts. I believe in giving back to the community in which I live and work and have held a number of governance positions over the years, including being the current Deputy Chair of Te Manawa, Palmerston North’s Museum, and a Trustee for Replay, a charitable organisation that collects used sports equipment and provides it to those in need. I look forward to being a part of the great work that the Foundation does to support the engineering community and know that my varied experience will bring a different perspective to the Trust.