The following questions and answers have been compiled from discussions with potential applicants. If you still have a question, let us know, so we can answer it and expand this document.

What are the timeframes for the Grant programme?

Applications opened for the Grant Programme on 14 February 2023. Webinars with Trustees will be run during February and March 2023 to help guide your application.

Applications close on 31 March 2023. Depending on the volume and quality of applications, we hope to advise all applicants on whether their project has been successful (or not) in April 2023.

If my project is successful, when will funds be available?

Funds should be available for the successful project/s as soon as possible after decisions are made.

Will unsuccessful applicants be advised?


Does my project have to start after the decision-making process? Or can it already be underway?

Either is fine.

Do projects have to be finished by the end of 2023? Or within a specific timeframe?

It'll be helpful if you can provide a timeframe. This may involve more than one year or have phases of activity that can be benchmarked. We'll want to see how the project will come to completion, but when and how that happens is down to you.

If I am successful in this round, can I apply again in future rounds?

Yes. However, a successful application this time is no guarantee of success in the future.

Can I make a live or audio/video submission?

Yes. Parts of the application form will need to be filled in, but we're happy to consider applications that aren't totally dependent on the written word.

How involved will the Foundation or Engineering New Zealand be in a funded project after the project is completed?

We'll not be directly involved, though we may be able to refer you to other sources of assistance.

Will the Foundation want any financial return after the project is completed?

No. Your success is our success.

Will any potential connections between applicants be shared during the application process, or afterwards?

If you're keen for this to happen, let us know.

Can I make an application if I am based offshore but my project still has relevance to engineering in Aotearoa New Zealand?


Who is eligible for funding?

You need to be a natural person or non-profit legal entity to receive our funding. We won’t provide funding to companies, academic institutions or public agencies.

How many projects can be funded?

We haven't set a limit on the number of projects that can be funded. We'll be giving away $100,000; that could all go to one project, or one $75,000 and one $25,000 project.... or $1000 each to 100 projects (though this last option is extremely unlikely).

Does that $100,000 include GST?

GST will not be added.

Will the funds be taxed?

Anything to do with tax is your responsibility. This Inland Revenue document may help determine your tax position: ir249-2020.pdf (

How detailed should I make my financial costings or budget?

As detailed as you like. However, providing information that is as accurate and detailed as possible will indicate that you've thought deeply about your project, and possibly help its success.

In some other organisations’ funding rounds, applicants ask for twice the amount they need because they only expect to get half of what they ask – should I do this with the Grant Programme?

Probably not. The more accurate your budget is, the more likely you're to succeed. If you’re struggling with this, let us know – we may be able to help.

If I get funding, but then get sick, what happens?

If you get sick, you can pick up the project again once you're well. Anything more serious would be considered on a case-by-case basis. We'd look to engage with you around how the work could be delivered in an alternative manner or – as a last resort –cancelled (which could involve having to return some or all of the funded amount).

If my project has significant similarities to that of other applicants, would you let us all know and suggest we combine forces?

Yes. While keeping confidentiality until everyone has agreed to that idea.

Would I be correct in thinking that while you would not make a grant for personal professional development (eg. going on a course of study or training) you would consider funding the establishment and rollout of a training course?

You're correct.

Will you be sharing knowledge gained from the application process with the applicants, suggesting connections and possible future options?


I still have questions.

Come to a Grant Programme Q&A webinar or contact the Foundation’s Executive Officer

This document will be updated during the application process.