Byron Konia
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
Byron joined Papaki Parihau in April 2024. He currently holds a dual role of Senior Mechanical Engineer and Māori Advisor at Stantec, Te Whanganui a Tara. With a range of engineering experience across buildings and infrastructure, he’s a strong advocate for the profession and passionate about growing Te Ao Māori in the engineering sector. Being of Māori and Pakeha descent he’s focused on bridging these two worlds, reaching into the community to provide better and sustainable outcomes for the environment and future generations. Byron is a past member of SPIES and current member of SPPEEx and has a wealth of experience engaging with Iwi, Hāpu and whānau. He’s committed to the kaupapa of Kimihia Rangahaua and has both the Māori and technical knowledge and experience to positively contribute to the direction of the Papaki Parihau waka. In his spare time, Byron is a competitive powerlifter and an entrepreneur. He developed a Māori boardgame, Kupu Rorirori, to help people learn te reo Māori in a fun way.

Deena Tapara
Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Hāua and Tūwharetoa
Deena joined Papaki Parihau in April 2024. She currently holds a dual role of Project Manager and Pou Tikanga at Stellar Projects. Deena has extensive experience working with Iwi, Hapū and whānau in consultation with infrastructure projects. Deena has worked on large scale civil infrastructure, earthworks, roading, bridge construction and land development projects, as well as some Three Waters projects throughout her career. Her career highlight is becoming the project manager for a Marae and Papakāinga development – currently in investigations phase. Deena is currently based in Taumarunui working on projects locally and in the wider Ruapehu District. Having been fortunate to be bought up within the Māori education system through Kōhanga Reo, Kura Reo Māori and St Joseph's Māori Girls College, Deena credits her work ethic to her whānau, her upbringing on the marae and to her Kaiako, who encouraged her to pursue tertiary education. Brought up in Kāwhia Moana, her main driver is to utilise her skills and take them back home to awhi her whānau, Hapū and Iwi with their own development aspirations. Deena is a past member of SPIES and Ngā Tauira Māori at the University of Auckland.

Troy Brockbank
Te Rarawa, Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai, Ngāti Kahu
Troy is a founding member of Papaki Parihau and a driving force of Te Ao Rangahau Engineering New Zealand’s Kimihia Rangahaua strategy. Based in Tamakai Makaurau, he’s Beca’s Te Mana o te Wai Lead and has over 15 years of experience in water and environmental projects spanning tangata whenua entities, engineering consultancies, civil contractors, suppliers and local and central government. Troy’s exceptional role as an intermediary, bridging the worlds of engineering and Te Ao Māori, positions him as a catalyst for embracing holistic, culturally enriched methodologies in water management. His advocacy for integrating mātauranga Māori into resource preservation underscores his profound recognition of waters’ intrinsic mauri and mana. In 2024, Troy became a Fellow of Te Ao Rangahau, which recognises highly experienced professionals who have made a large impact on engineering in Aotearoa. He has also been recognised in the wider community, notably as the recipient of the 2023 University of Auckland's 40 Under 40 Award, the 2020 Engineering New Zealand President's Fulton-Downer Silver Medal and as the 2018 New Zealand Young Water Professional of the Year. Troy is also a member of SPPEEx.

Chantelle Bailey
Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hāmoa (Lotofaga and Le’auva’a)
Chantelle is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and founding member of Papaki Parihau, where she’s been instrumental in driving Te Ao Rangahau Engineering New Zealand’s Kimihia Rangahaua strategy forward. Chantelle is an Associate Structural Engineer with Miyamoto, New Zealand. She is appointed to the Waihanga Ara Rau, Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council (WDC), and Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Building Advisory Panel. Chantelle holds advisory roles, including Papaki Parihau. She is also a committee member for Te Kāhui Ahumahi (Māori WDC Ohumahi Governors rōpū), Pacific Fono (Pacific WDC Ohumahi Governors), Waihanga Ara Rau People, Safety Culture committee member and a He Rau Aroha, Māori in Leadership Rōpū for Engineers. Other roles include Practice Area Assessor (PAA) for Chartered Professional Engineers and member of SPPEEx. She has previously served as a trustee on the Te Ao Rangahau Foundation and as a previous IPENZ Manawatū Branch member. Chantelle’s passion lies in driving change and inspiring future generations, drawing on her leadership skills and diverse background as an engineer, governance practitioner, wahine woman, mother and wife.

Wharehuia Dixon
Ngāti Awa
Since 2023, Wharehuia has been the Te Ao Rangahau board representative on Papaki Parihau. With his passion and commitment to applying Māori values and mātauranga to the engineering profession, he became a full member of Papaki Parihau in April 2024. Based in Tamaki Makaurau, Wharehuia is a civil engineer with 16 years’ experience in airport infrastructure across Aotearoa, Australia and the South Pacific. He works for Beca but is currently taking some time to support Ngāti Awa by managing projects on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa. In 2022, Wharehuia was appointed to the Te Ao Rangahau Board to help build and strengthen the Board’s Te Ao Māori capability. Papaki Parihau is privileged that his knowledge and insights are now also being utilised within the Kimihia Rangahaua programme.