Read about the inspiring dedication and achievements of Fellowship and Distinguished Fellowship recipients from the last three years.
Fellowship is an honoured class of membership, recognising the most highly experienced professionals who have made a huge impact on engineering in Aotearoa.
2024 Fellows
Distinguished Fellows
Barry Brown
DistFEngNZ, BSc(Physics), BE(Hons), MSc Eng(Lond), DipIC, IntPE

Barry Brown is elected a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand for his extraordinary contributions to technical and executive leadership especially in the fields of structural and seismic design. He has made a huge contribution to the development of standards and practice documents over many years as well as demonstrated exemplary leadership in challenging times for the profession.
Barry gets things done. He was the inaugural Chair of SESOC from 1988 at a time when the building industry throughout New Zealand was needing direction and support to respond to the 1987 financial crisis. He was also elected to the IPENZ Council Board from 1986–1992 where he strongly promoted the development of the structural technical group as a truly national body. For his achievements he was made a life member of SESOC and continues to be an enthusiastic contributor to SESOC’s activities, most recently in 2022 leading the SESOC Task Group responsible for the development of the GD#0-GD#3 - Guidance Document on Grouted (Drossbach etc) Connections in Precast Concrete.
From 1988–1990, he was the convenor of a working group of NZIA/IPENZ/ACENZ which (amongst other things) developed the ‘Producer Statement’ concept and made submissions to Government on the Building Act 1991, where many of that group’s concepts were incorporated in the subsequent legislation. In 2001, he was appointed by government to chair the Building Industry Authority (BIA) and in that role was a leader in steering the profession through the testing issue of watertightness of buildings, helping to restore confidence and develop solutions.
Barry was an immediate respondent following the Canterbury Earthquakes and immersed himself in supporting the recovery team that was mobilised in response to that event. This included both technical roles as well as attending to the wellbeing of engineers impacted by this disaster. He was appointed to the Technical Advisory Board for the Earthquake Recovery established by MBIE and was the SESOC representative on the Engineering Advisory Group which prepared technical guidance documents for the repair and reconstruction works.
Barry has spent most of his professional career with Fraser Thomas Ltd where he led the structural team and for several years was Managing Director. His advice has been widely sought, including for forensic assessments of both structural issues and broader engineering matters, an example being his widely applied research on effects of expansive soils on residential foundations in New Zealand.
Barry is a mentor to his team and is a point of reference for a much wider group including his long association extending back to the establishment of HERA. He has also been a key contributor to New Zealand Concrete and Steel standards as well as related codes of practice. His contributions to the engineering profession and sustained leadership roles have been recognised by the MacLean citation awarded in 2005 which acknowledge his contribution to Building Control in New Zealand.
Outside of work, Barry has been a tireless supporter of rowing in New Zealand where he has served as Chair of the Auckland Rowing Association (ARA). His involvement has been recognised by ARA Life Membership Rowing New Zealand and service awards.
Barry is highly approachable and generous with his time. He constantly seeks opportunities to promote use of best practice and focuses on benefits he can contribute to the engineering profession and wider community. He is an excellent role model and is highly deserving of recognition as a Distinguished Fellow.
Don Cleland
DistFEngNZ, BTech(Hons), PhD

Donald John Cleland is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow of the engineering profession.
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead inspire others to follow, those who follow bring vitality to the contribution of those who lead.
Don emulates the sentiment of this whakatuakī on many levels as an internationally acclaimed academic, an entrepreneur, an innovator, and as a champion for uniqueness and diversity.
Don led the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology at Massey University, is a theme leader in the Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge, and in 2018 chaired the Performance-Based Research quality evaluation for technology, engineering and architecture. This later role included ensuring the even-handed evaluation of every engineering academic, requiring the highest standards in ensuring all were treated fairly and equitably.
Don’s achievements have included the entrepreneurial flare to transform the world-leading research of his team into advice and methodologies for use by industry practitioners and innovating the seed grant portion of the National Science Challenge (20% of all the grants). Don was a strong supporter in the Challenge’s focus on Vision Mātauranga and promoting the opportunity for Māori to lead technological innovation of direct benefit to Māori from research to commercialisation. This recognition of the unrealised potential and unique contribution that Mātauranga Māori could make when tailored to the unique Aotearoa New Zealand context led to a range of engineering research advancements.
Don is an inclusive and open leader who seeks optimum outcomes via a collaborative approach, creating a strong collective culture for achievement. Don’s role in supporting Māori innovation has widely benefited the profession and required fortitude in the face of, at times, tempestuous resistance. Don’s advocacy for promoting women within engineering and early career researchers has been equally strong.
Don is a world-renowned expert in industrial and commercial refrigeration engineering, an area impacting the lives of virtually everyone, both directly and indirectly. His work has received significant international accolades recognising the eminence of his research and its practical engineering application to the combined interdisciplinary arenas of food refrigeration and energy-efficiency. Don’s contributions have helped the national refrigeration industry evolve to less-harmful solutions as ozone-depleting and greenhouse-causing refrigerants have been restricted and phased out. These contributions have had significant impacts on the refrigeration industry and its viability in times of great change.
Don collaborates and shares his expertise to increase efficiencies in refrigeration technology worldwide. He is a leader who gives of himself and shares unreservedly. Refrigeration engineering is a close community, and he stands out in that community for his collegiality.
Don’s eminence is in his international research contribution, his mana in the refrigeration industry and profession, his promotion of the unrecognised potential offered by Mātauranga Māori, and his sustained leadership contribution as an inclusive and empowering leader. It is these attributes that clearly qualify his promotion to Distinguished Fellow.
Rob Jury
DistFEngNZ, CPEng, BE(Hons), ME(Cant), SESOC (Life), NZSEE (Life)

Rob Jury is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for the outstanding contribution he has made to the oversight and practice of seismic engineering both within New Zealand and internationally.
His work has made significant advances in the understanding and application of appraisal and design techniques across a wide range of infrastructure, industrial and commercial projects. He has also contributed to the structural design of some of New Zealand’s iconic structures, such as SkyTower and the Hāpuawhenua Viaduct.
Rob’s expertise in earthquake resilience is widely sought within New Zealand and internationally for his involvement in major infrastructure and building projects. His advice is sought and respected in all aspects of structural and earthquake engineering where he has led the revision and adoption of the seismic components of the New Zealand Building Code.
That work and its clear understanding of the over-arching philosophy of “earthquake resilience” in existing and planned buildings has been especially important following on from the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes and is recognised internationally as enabling a realistic balance between performance and safety.
Rob is Beca’s chief structural engineer, where he leads the work of more than 400 structural engineers. Most of all, Rob has been a crucial member of the groups revising the New Zealand earthquake building codes over the last 30 years.
Throughout all his professional career, Rob has contributed enormously to the vital technical committees and specialist study groups that have developed New Zealand’s standards and guidelines for the design and resilience of structures to earthquakes, noting that in New Zealand, the lead in these is taken by the private sector rather than by government or academics. His work in seismic engineering widely benefits the profession and the public. He is a leader and critical part of New Zealand’s best practice in seismic engineering. He has a particular ability that allows people to contribute and debate, leading the collective to joint decision making. As a leader in his field, Rob is always focused on best practice and good engineering science in seeking out and achieving the optimal overall outcome for the community, thus making him a worthy recipient of promotion to Distinguished Fellow.
Sulo Shanmuganathan
DistFEngNZ, CPEng, PhD, CPEng(AU), CEng(UK), FIEAust, FICE, FIStructE, MInstD

Dr Sulojana Shanmuganathan is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for her contribution to furthering engineering practice, particularly in structures and large complex engineering projects in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia.
Sulo’s academic life began with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka in 1987, followed by a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from the University of Dundee in Scotland in 1990, completing a PhD in Structural Engineering at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom in 1995. The global theme continues in her professional life with over 30 years’ experience in significant executive, technical and governance roles with major consulting companies in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, including Beca and WSP, as well as eight years in research and academia.
In her current role as Chief Engineer with Waka Kotahi, Sulo applies her deep technical knowledge, governance and project experience to challenge current practice in the Transport Sector. She is a leader in the industry towards a sustainability rethink with renewed interest in the use of timber in bridge construction, and pushing beyond just rebuilding post weather events to how we can rebuild more efficiently, saving both cost and time. In this role Sulo exhibits her personal commitment to the evolution of our community as she navigates and leads the industry through some of the greatest challenges in the transport sector.
Sulo is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), IStructE UK, and a Fellow of Engineering New Zealand. She has authored over 30 technical papers, contributed to numerous technical manuals, and is frequently an invited speaker at international conferences. She has received many awards and scholarships for structural, seismic and rehabilitation projects.
In Sulo’s own words “since becoming a fellow, it’s been my time to contribute” which has manifested in her involvement with Engineering New Zealand, serving on the Competency Assessment Board, representing Engineering New Zealand on the International Review Team for the APEC Engineer Agreement with the Council of Engineers of Thailand, advising and assessing various complaints, reviewing Terms of Reference and application processes for Fellow and Distinguished Fellow, serving as a Quake CoRE Board Member, and continuing to be an active participant in the Diversity Agenda and with Women in Engineering. She continues to be active globally as Associate Editor of “Civil Engineering”, the ICE journal and co-chair of their special issue on COVID, she is on the judging panel for IStructE annual people and papers award, and as invited keynote speaker in India and the UK.
Sulo is described as someone who is unassuming and humble but clear on boundaries. This strong moral and ethical compass coupled with her deep technical prowess has built her reputation within the industry as a role model in design and construction. She actively mentors and grows engineers, supporting them in their careers across all disciplines. She has tackled highly sensitive and challenging situations through her ability to open up the conversation and bring people together to tackle hard issues constructively.
For her achievements and significant contribution, Sulo is awarded Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand.
Alan Colin Brent
FEngNZ, BEng, MEng, MSc, MPhil, PhD, CMEngNZ
Since moving to Aotearoa in 2017, Alan has made significant contributions towards a just transition to a net zero carbon emissions economy with energy-focussed research efforts, new education programmes, and service to the engineering profession. He is a highly cited researcher with over 300 publications in the field of sustainability. Alan has introduced a new major, a specialisation, and a postgraduate programme in renewable energy in the Wellington Faculty of Engineering at Victoria University. His efforts in The Sustainability Society and the energy community have helped to foster sustainability thinking in the profession, and the wider society.
Albert Bifet
Albert has made notable contributions to ICT engineering research, particularly in the fields of AI and data science, with over 200 peer-reviewed publications and more than 20,000 citations. He has adeptly applied his technical knowledge to primary industry engineering applications and has achieved significant outcomes in the telecommunications and environmental sectors. Furthermore, he played a pivotal role in founding New Zealand's AI Researchers Association. Albert is also a dedicated engineering educator, having developed and taught a diverse range of ICT engineering courses and successfully guided PhD students through to their graduation.
Alexander Macleod Chisholm
FEngNZ, BEng(Civil), CMEngNZ
Alex has 35 years’ experience in civil and structural design and has spent the past 24 years serving communities in the Central North Island of Aotearoa through his work for GHD. In particular, he has made significant contributions to flood emergency responses, recoveries and rebuilds, and earthquake assessments and strengthening. He has built strong and resilient relationships with clients, contractors and local community groups. Alex is a key local member of a long-term Defence Alliance, representing GHD at Linton, Ohakea and Waiouru in a variety of construction projects. He has also recently completed three years as Chair of the Manawatū Branch of Engineering New Zealand.
Andrew Peter McMenamin
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), MEng, CMEngNZ, CPEng, CEng MICE
Andrew has demonstrated exceptional service to the profession, having spent the last ten years as a Chair of Investigating and Disciplinary Committees. Andrew has played an important role in upholding the integrity of the profession and preserving public trust in the engineering community. Andrew is technical leader of GHD’s bridges and structures group. His leadership is seen in his prominent role in diversity and inclusion initiatives in GHD as well as his role in GHD's programme targeted at early career professionals, through challenge delivery and mentoring.
Azam Khan
FEngNZ, CPEng, MInstD, IntPE(NZ)
Azam is an environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience in the wastewater field. He’s also a specialist environmental consultant to the New Zealand food and fibre sector.
Azam’s career began as a Research Engineer involved in treating meat industry wastewaters prior to joining PDP in 1996. Since joining PDP, he has assisted in growing the three waters business to a strong team of 75 professionals. He has also developed patented wastewater treatment system processes.
Azam is now a Technical Director and an Executive Director at PDP, contributing to developing solutions for a range of environmental challenges.
Willem Bastiaan Kleijn
Bastiaan Kleijn is Professor of Electronic Engineering at Victoria University of Wellington and a Research Scientist at Google. He’s made significant contributions to speech and audio processing technology and to machine learning.
The speech compression algorithm used by all mobile telephones is based on his invention and the company he co-founded provided the enabling compression technology to Skype, a pioneer in internet communications.
Benjamin Hayward
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), MEng, MBA, GAICD, CPEng, MIE(Aust)
Ben is the Chief Executive of Fulton Hogan New Zealand, leading a team of 6,000 to build and maintain infrastructure across the country.
Ben has worked across the infrastructure sector, including design, major project construction, and the management of multi-disciplinary construction businesses in New Zealand and Australia. He’s a passionate advocate for effective infrastructure solutions for New Zealand through robust long-term planning and collaborative approaches to delivery.
Ben holds a number of company directorships and is a Board Member of Infrastructure New Zealand and Advisory Board Member for the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury.
Campbell James McGregor
FEngNZ, CPEng, BSurv, MEngSt(Hons), PGDipBus, CMEngNZ
Campbell is a Civil Engineer with more than 20 years consultancy experience and currently leads the Land Development business for Harrison Grierson nationally. He is a Technical Director with significant civil design experience in national large scale public infrastructure as well as residential, commercial, and industrial private developments. Campbell is an experienced Engineer to Contract as well as performing project advisory and governance roles. Campbell was appointed Executive Director to Harrison Grierson’s board in 2021 and recently joined the board of Urban Development Institute of New Zealand.
Craig Robert Scott
From the start of his career at the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand, Waikato Hydro Group in Hamilton, Craig has built on the education, mentorship and experience garnered from working with talented professionals across Aotearoa to practice engineering on the world stage, with significant accomplishment. Craig carries forward a proud family tradition started by his father’s work on Manapouri power station, and now leads a world class team delivering projects everywhere from the Highlands of Scotland to the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia.
Dale Anthony Carnegie
FEngNZ, BSc, MSc(Hons), PhD
Dale is a multidisciplinary engineer with expertise in mechatronics, musical robotics, sensors, and engineering education. He has over 260 publications to his name including six patents. He is a passionate educator and winner of the Ako Aotearoa National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award for sustained excellence in tertiary teaching. He has supervised 86 postgraduate thesis students, developed numerous courses and entire majors. He has served in a leadership role at Victoria University’s Faculty of Engineering since its inception, being one of the founding professors and serving eight years as the Faculty’s Dean.
Daniel Ian Kennett
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), CMEngNZ, CPEng, IntPE(NZ), MInstD
Having been a structural engineer for 19 years, Daniel has extensive expertise in engineering design and construction leadership. His diverse background encompasses consulting and construction roles in both the building and civil sectors within New Zealand and Australia. Since returning to New Zealand in 2016, he has actively contributed to the profession through various roles such as a Practice Area Assessor and a member of the Competency Assessment Board, which he currently chairs. He established, and leads, the structural engineering function at Maynard Marks and frequently acts as an expert witness in legal proceedings, including those of the High Court.
David John Darwin
FEngNZ, CMEngNZ, BEng, MEng, BCA
David has over 40 years’ experience in civil engineering with local and central government after gaining his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Canterbury. Most of his professional career has been in transport asset management, and on sector-wide collaborative activities to improve practice. Among his most significant contributions have been his work to standardise the ways in which data is described, captured, used and shared across the sector through the transport Asset Management Data Standard, enabling greater productivity and value for money for the taxpayer.
Dean Richard Coutts
FEngNZ, BSc, BEng, MEMgt
Over his 29-year career, Dean has led large multidisciplinary engineering teams to deliver many complex transport infrastructure projects in New Zealand and abroad. He has a passion for delivering innovative design solutions and solving difficult challenges for clients. On his largest projects such as the Northern Corridor Improvements, the Huntly Bypass and the Eastern Busway Alliance, Dean has also delivered great legacy infrastructure for stakeholders and communities. Dean has influenced many critical areas of design delivery, including safety, transport design standards and engineering management and reporting.
Emma Ane Fisk
FEngNZ, CPEng, IntPE(NZ), CMEngNZ, MBA, MEngSt, BEng(Hons)
Emma Fisk is a highly experienced Civil Engineer, Design Manager and Programme Director. She is recognised for her outstanding engineering leadership of major infrastructure projects such as Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth and Pūhoi to Warkworth Motorway, which deliver significant benefits to the communities they serve.
Emma also invests her time in helping the next generation of engineers grow and develop, actively engaging with schools and the University of Auckland and mentoring many engineers across the wider industry. She is strongly committed to supporting women into the profession and engineering leadership roles.
Glen Koorey
FEngNZ, PhD, MEng, BEng(Hons), BSc, CMEngNZ
For nearly 30 years, Glen has contributed to best practice in the transportation industry, through his research and technical expertise, industry and tertiary training, and professional and community service. This has particularly been the case in road safety and sustainable transport, where he has helped to develop and disseminate key industry knowledge and understanding in these areas to students, practitioners, clients, and the general public.
Glen’s expertise has been recognised through various honours and awards, requests for expert advice and comment, appointments to significant committees and panels, and contributions to respected industry guidelines.
Graeme Glasgow
Graeme has over 30 years of experience in the water industry, both in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. His area of expertise is in treatment plant design and operation. He has a PhD in water treatment and a Master of Science in public health engineering. He joined the University of Waikato in 2014 to resume his academic career after working as a process engineer and team leader for water companies and consultancies designing treatment plants. Graeme is a chartered engineer, chartered environmentalist and a chartered water and environmental manager. He is the programme leader for Environmental Engineering at the University of Waikato which recently gained full Washington Accord accreditation under his leadership.
Helen Shaw
FEngNZ, MEng, BTech, CPEng, IntPE
Helen has worked in the New Zealand water industry since 1995. She is an innovative people and technical leader, and a champion for data and its use to support robust decision making. Working as a consultant and in the local government sector, Helen has led one of New Zealand's largest surface water science teams and has been technical lead in a number of high-profile water resource management projects across New Zealand. These include large data projects, the development of hydrological, hydraulic and water quality models, catchment management planning, limit setting, resource allocation, and discharge consenting for many urban and rural catchments.
Jennifer Smith
FEngNZ, CEng, MICE, CMEngNZ, MEng(Hons)
Jen started her career in the United Kingdom and moved to New Zealand in 2017, where she engaged with both the Institute of Civil Engineering and Engineering New Zealand and has recently held a valued role with the New Zealand Geotechnical Society. She has a particular interest in natural hazards and has worked with local councils and the insurance sector on both prevention and disaster response. Her passion for people and leadership role at Tonkin + Taylor drives her support for inclusive work environments, while she also volunteers her time to support diversity. She constantly strives to change the status quo to engender positive change in the engineering industry.
Joanne Wilton
FEngNZ, BEng, PGDipBusAdmin, CPEng
Jo is an experienced Civil Engineer in the infrastructure field. She currently leads the Infrastructure Delivery team in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Region for New Zealand Transport Agency. Her contributions include the delivery of a range of programmes of works such as the Waikato Expressway, in particular the Hamilton Section, and latterly the response to the North Island Storm Events with the successful completion of the SH25A Taparahi Bridge to reopen SH25A between Kopu and Hikuai.
Jo has championed the development of partnership scholarships with Waikato Tainui to provide opportunities for iwi to develop careers associated with infrastructure. She is also involved in events that promote women in the infrastructure sector. Jo continues to coach and mentor young Engineers, and to inspire young people to work in this industry.
Hui Fen (Joy) Chen
FEngNZ, MSc, BSc, PGDip
With a hydrology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) background and over 30 years’ experience, Joy is a location intelligence specialist working globally to develop innovative and high-quality digital solutions for engineering projects, providing excellent technical services for clients.
Joy has been passionate about diversity and inclusion in the engineering profession, working to advance the development and growth of the profession by mentoring young, up-and-coming engineers. She has chaired and championed the development of Engineering New Zealand's Special Interest Group for Immigrant Engineers (SIGIE) and led the SIGIE Committee to develop programmes for assisting immigrant engineers to settle in New Zealand.
Joy is also heavily involved in other multicultural organisations, such as the Chinese Women Association of New Zealand, and has been a staunch advocate for ethical standards in engineering practice.
Julian Chisnall
Since 1988, Julian has been an innovative contributor to improving safety and saving lives on our road network as a "specialist generalist" and national subject matter expert in road safety hardware and road lighting. Julian has contributed to road safety engineering education and continues to enjoy solving the range of problems presented by an ever-changing sector, endeavouring to reach an optimal compromise between competing demands. He is closely involved with the rapid adoption and development of new technologies in response to climate change and resilience challenges. In his current role he is also working to improve and change attitudes related to professional and social responsibility.
Kathleen (Dawn) Inglis
Dawn has over 35 years’ experience managing and leading engineering programmes. She is a passionate engineer who has worked in the local government sector for most of her career. Dawn has demonstrated a long-term commitment to continuous learning and sharing this knowledge and experience. She is committed to supporting the engineering sector with the use of good quality data in decision making and improving activity management practice.
Dawn is currently the Group Manager Service Delivery with Waipā District Council where she supports her community to strive towards achieving their wellbeing outcomes.
Liam Coleman
FEngNZ, BEng, EurIng, CEng FIEI, MIStructE, CPEngNZ
Liam is the Professional Head (Structures) for KiwiRail, responsible for the technical governance and stewardship of KiwiRail’s Bridges and Tunnels. As Professional Head, Liam leads the development of standards, guidelines and policies, which ensure the best investment and asset management decisions for bridge assets are made. Liam is a subject matter expert in the Asset Management of road and rail Bridge infrastructure, which originates from his experience of managing the oldest rail bridges in Ireland, United Kingdom and now here in New Zealand. He realises the challenges of having to maintain ageing infrastructure while trying to maintain 21st century levels of services. Liam encourages the use of advanced analysis and instrumentation of bridges to better understand their behaviour, inherent capacity and ultimately extend their life.
Mark Crowle
Mark is a Civil Engineer with a master’s in project management. His proven leadership and governance experience has contributed to the delivery of complex multi-disciplinary projects both in New Zealand and Australia. These projects covered large scale water infrastructure, roading, power generation and transmission, rail, ultra-fast broadband, tunnelling and urban developments.
Mark has significant experience in all forms of contracting models especially Alliancing. Mark has had governance roles on five Alliances at Board level and has been Alliance General Manager on three Alliances. He is currently the Alliance General Manager on the LEAD Alliance.
Michael Baker
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), CPEng, CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ), GSAP
Michael’s career began in railways infrastructure before taking him into the world of consulting engineering as a building services engineer. He became chartered within three years of leaving university, leading a hydraulics team. In 2010 he started TM Consultants with two others, becoming managing director in 2015 and now leading the practice of 115+ staff across seven locations. Michael has achieved firsts in the sustainable world, including first and highest whole building NABERSNZ rating, first carboNZero certified building and highest Green Star rating. He has written books and run seminars for 4,000+ professionals on energy and sustainability since 2020.
Michael Whaley
FEngNZ, BBus, BEng, CPEng
Michael has worked as an engineer for over 30 years in the electricity transmission and distribution sector, fulfilling engineering leadership roles during the last twenty or so years and is now a consultant specialising in asset management, electricity distribution network planning and conceptual design advice. He has served on the Electricity Engineers Association committee for the past 16 years and has convened the Electricity Engineers’ Association’s Asset Management Group, Capability Development Group and various other national working groups. He takes a special interest in training and development, mentoring of other technical professionals, defining and solving technical problems, and how infrastructure organisations go about fulfilling their objectives.
Paul Morgan (Kāi Tahu)
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), BSc, BPhEd, DipTchg, Dip Te Reo Māori, CMEngNZ
Paul is a Technical Leader at Stantec and has over 25 years' experience developing solutions for hydro power, irrigation and river engineering. He also managed the South Island business for Riley Consultants through the challenges of the GFC and the Christchurch earthquakes.
Paul has developed a good understanding of the relationship between New Zealand freshwater fish and engineering structures, making significant contributions in this area. He has worked closely with leading freshwater ecologists and other experts in developing both engineering solutions and providing design guidance for industry to improve the future for our fish, including successfully leading the design of our largest and most complex fish screens at river intakes. With his whakapapa to Kāi Tahu, Paul is also providing leadership in the integration of mātauraka Māori with our western engineering through the approach of Te Mana o te Wai.
Robert (Chris) Mann
FEngNZ, BEng, CMEngNZ, CPEng, IntPE
After studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Auckland, Chris embarked on a 40-year career in the electricity industry. Much of it has focused on power station design and maintenance engineering, but with significant forays into the water and dairy industries, as well as contributions to the petrochemical and forestry industries.
Chris has built a strong team and reputation for his business, MTL, especially in the geothermal space, delivering multiple geothermal projects in New Zealand and around the world, including several in Indonesia and a large 82MW geothermal power project in Kenya.
Chris and MTL have contributed to a legacy of safe, reliable community assets, such as the Poihipi Geothermal Project, automation of the Ardmore Water Treatment Plant, the Warkworth Water Treatment Plant and the Eildon Hydro Power Station Upgrade in Victoria, Australia.
Rodney Urban
FEngNZ, PhD, MScEng, BEng, CPEng, IntPE(NZ), CMEngNZ
Rodney is a recognised technical expert in the fields of earthing, electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic transients, rail traction power and transmission line electrical design. He has a PhD in electronic engineering and was involved in Research and Development in the fields of electromagnetic compatibility and high voltage engineering for the first seven years of his career. He immigrated to New Zealand in 2008 and has worked as a consultant over the past sixteen years on numerous projects across New Zealand and Australia. He is currently the Technical Director for Electromagnetic Transients and Earthing in the Asia Pacific region in Jacobs’ global Power Business.
Rolando Orense
Rolando has over 35 years of professional experience, both as an educator/researcher and as a practising engineer/consultant in the field of geotechnical engineering. Before coming to New Zealand, Rolando worked with highly respected consulting firms in Tokyo and Manila on a range of complex engineering projects in Japan, Singapore and the Philippines. He was also an academic at three universities in the Philippines and Japan.
Rolando joined the University of Auckland in 2007 and is currently a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering. He is also presently an New Zealand Geotechnical Society Management Committee member with a strong interest in linking academic research outputs and engineering practice.
Ross Copland
FEngNZ, BEng, BCom, MBA
Ross is the inaugural Chief Executive of the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission and was a co-founder of Engineers Without Borders New Zealand. He has a Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering with First Class Honours, a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Business Administration.
Over his construction and infrastructure career Ross has been a champion of sustainable construction methods, materials and asset management practices. Under Ross' leadership the Infrastructure Commission has built a reputation for producing compelling, practical and fearless advice on addressing New Zealand's most pressing infrastructure challenges and opportunities.
Shane Turner
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), CPEng, MACRS, IntPE(NZ)
Dr Shane Turner has over 30 years’ experience in road safety and transport engineering and research.
He has provided road safety advice to national, state and local government clients across several countries, including New Zealand, Australia, USA, Fiji and Indonesia. This includes strategy, safety analysis, guidance, training and policy advice.
Shane’s honours include being appointed as an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the University of Canterbury, joining the editorial board of the USA Transport Research Record and the Australian Road Safety Journal and becoming an International Member on three TRB (USA) standing research committees.
Shelley Wharton
Shelley is a highly in-demand engineer, holding positions as a Board Member at Water New Zealand, Manager of Infrastructure Programmes at Whangārei District Council, Planning Manager in the Civil Defence Emergency Operations Centre, and is seconded to the Department of Internal Affairs' Water Reform Transition Programme.
With a consulting and local government career spanning 24 years, Shelley manages multiple complex and transformational infrastructure portfolios with a total value of over $400 million.
Shelley has recently featured in Engineering New Zealand’s ‘Women in Engineering Heritage Project’, and as a Unitec Alumni. She is a proud role model to young professional women in the infrastructure and water sectors.
Simon Finn
FEngNZ, BSc(Hons), CE, AMIStructE, IEng(EU), CPEng, CMEngNZ
Simon has been a structural engineer for over 25 years working in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
Over the last ten years Simon has dedicated his career to natural disaster damage investigation and remediation, leading to developing specialist skills in the field of forensic assessment, having been involved in well over 1,000 claims mostly relating to the Christchurch and Kaikōura Earthquakes. Simon has provided expert witness services for large numbers of legal matters requiring attendance at mediations and giving evidence to the High Courts. Simon has been on the Engineering New Zealand natural disaster recovery panel from the outset and has assisted in developing more robust services and support documentation that has now been rolled out for national use in response to any future natural disaster events, ensuring learning is not lost.
Simon established his own practice in 2017 which has grown in strength and numbers to provide a wide range of services which support the core expert witness and forensic assessment capabilities. Simon believes it is important that we continue to learn from past experiences to maintain better services to the community in the future, especially during challenging times following any major natural disaster events.
Stuart Smith
FEngNZ, NZCE, BEng(Hons), CPEng
Stuart is a Senior Principal and Technical Fellow at Beca. As a mechanical building services engineer he has led Beca's portfolio of Health Sector work for more than 20 years, most recently as Market Director. This has included leadership roles in campus master planning, business case support and the design and construction of an extensive range of major healthcare projects across New Zealand.
This experience saw Stuart appointed as a Technical Advisor to the then Ministry of Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic response to establish medical oxygen capacity and infectious containment facilities to support patient care practices.
Theunis (Theuns) Henning
FEngNZ, MEng, PhD
Theuns immigrated to New Zealand in 1998 to implement asset management software as part of a national initiative under Ingenium (now Āpōpō – Infrastructure asset management professionals). He subsequently completed his postgraduate education in New Zealand, obtaining his PhD at the University of Auckland in 2009. Through significant industry leadership and later academic work, he made significant contributions to the asset management and climate adaptation sector in New Zealand. He is currently an Associate Professor and Programme Director at Auckland University for the postgraduate degree in Infrastructure asset management, a programme he created.
Troy Brockbank
FEngNz, BEng, MSPPEEx, MInstD
Troy Piripi Brockbank, a proud descendant of Te Rarawa, Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai and Ngāti Kahu, holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from the University of Auckland. He has extensive involvement in water & environmental projects spanning tangata whenua entities, engineering consultancies, civil contractors, suppliers and local & central government.
Troy’s exceptional role as an intermediary, bridging the worlds of engineering and Te Ao Māori, positions him as a catalyst for embracing holistic, culturally enrich methodologies in water management. His advocacy for integrating mātauranga Māori into resource preservation underscores his profound recognition of waters intrinsic mauri and mana. He continuously endeavours to elevate consciousness by uniting Te Ao Māori and the Engineering Industry, both domestically and internationally fostering dialogue and understanding between these diverse realms.
Ulvi Salayev
FEngNZ, PhD, MBA, CPEng, CMEng
Ulvi holds an MBA and a PhD in Philology, which he credits with improving his ability to view problems from different angles. He has over 20 years of project delivery experience, providing expertise from initiation to design and construction across a range of industries, especially transport and three waters. Ulvi has helped deliver some of New Zealand’s most high-risk and high-value legacy infrastructure projects, including the Kapiti Expressway, Wellington Water Resilience thinking and Te Ara Tupua cycleway.
Ulvi has extensive experience working with various procurement models. In each of his roles Ulvi has provided an in-depth understanding of issues at operational and governance levels. Ulvi is also committed to the growth of our profession serving as a CPEng practise area assessor as well as providing mentoring and guidance to immigrant engineers.
Warner Cowin (Ngāti Porou)
FEngNZ, BEng(Hons), AssocDip, PGDipBus, CMEngNZ, CMInstD
Warner’s passion for aviation saw him join the Royal New Zealand Air Force as an Engineering Officer in 1995 after completing his BE(Mech) at the University of Auckland. He concluded his military career in 2001 as a United Nations Peacekeeper in the East Timor conflict. Subsequent opportunities to travel and take on new experiences saw him evolve into civil engineering project management with roles at Électricité de France, London Underground, Hitachi Corporation, Metronet and then Downer. In 2013, Warner founded Height, a technical tendering and social procurement consultancy, in his garage in Auckland. Nearly 11 years later, Height is a team of 36 consultants across Australia and New Zealand that uses technical infrastructure procurement and project delivery to drive social change and enhance the mana of communities. As a Māori engineer and business leader, he has also been a vocal and active champion of improving supplier diversity for Māori and Pasifika businesses in the construction and engineering sector.
Honorary Fellows
William Cockerill
HonFEngNZ, BSc, BEng(Hons), PGDipBusAdmin
William completed a double degree in Mathematics and a first-class honours degree in Civil Engineering ahead of founding Octa Associates Limited in 1973 while one of eight students studying a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration at the University of Canterbury under Professor Frank Lu, the pioneer of Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Management in New Zealand. As such, Octa was New Zealand’s first independent, specialist project management company which led to this becoming a discipline in its own right as part of Engineering Management. Over the last 50 years under William’s leadership, Octa has grown to more than 100 staff with offices throughout New Zealand. Many of his former and current employees have benefited in their careers from William’s support and mentoring over that same period.
2023 Fellows
Distinguished Fellows
John Hare
FEngNZ IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer, SESOC (Life), NZSEE (Life), PE(Calf.)

John is elected a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand for his inspirational contributions to technical and executive leadership, especially in the fields of structural and seismic design.
John has a strong passion for engineering and the responsibilities the profession has to safety and future sustainability of the community. He has a unique ability to bring engineering to life, is an excellent communicator, and widely sought to participate on panels and advisory groups. His appointment to numerous technical committees, investigation teams and governance groups reflects the respect with which he is held both within and beyond the profession.
John has been particularly effective in raising awareness of earthquake and structural engineering design standards, especially following the Canterbury and Kaikōura Earthquakes where his commitment to the recovery processes and applying the learnings has been legendary. For these services he is one of a few who have been recognised as a Life Member of both the Structural Engineering Society (SESOC) and New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE).
John has spent most of his professional career with Holmes, where he has worked in New Zealand and international offices and provided effective leadership roles including as Chief Executive of the New Zealand-owned group of companies. After the Canterbury Earthquakes, his organisational and technical skills were sought for roles as Principal Advisory Engineer to Christchurch City, by CERA and the Ministry of Education to prepare their Guidance for Design, and currently by MBIE’s and Engineering New Zealand’s Seismic Risk Working Group. He also contributes as a member of the QuakeCore Board and a member of Canterbury Civil and Environmental Engineering Advisory Group. John has also co-authored many technical papers on seismic risk, structural design, and post-earthquake response. He is prominent in challenging conventional thinking and has been instrumental in leading changes in the design approach for vulnerable buildings.
John is recognised for his commitment and enthusiasm for the mentoring of young staff both within and outside his company, and constantly seeks opportunities to promote use of best practice and benefits to the wider community. John is highly approachable, generous, and humble. He is an excellent role model for the engineering profession and is highly deserving of recognition as a Distinguished Fellow.
Dr Te Kīpa Kēpa Brian Morgan

Dr Kēpa Morgan is elected a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand in recognition of his contribution towards including Māori culture (tikanga) and Māori knowledge (matauranga) into engineering education, and in establishing ways in which Māori can succeed in delivering engineering to the benefit of the wider community.
Kēpa’s mana in his own iwi and whānau is extremely high. He has shown himself to be a pioneering leader and innovator in demonstrating how greater benefits are able to be drawn in bringing together knowledge of both Māori and western-derived engineering, and how to be true to oneself as Māori and a professional engineer. In the 1980s, Kēpa incorporated te ao Māori principles into his work to design the entirely sustainable development at Whenuakura for his whānau – long before low-impact design began to be considered in wider engineering practice. His innovations also include alternative construction systems like Uku (a flax fibre and reinforced earth composite).
In education, and in recognising and challenging otherwise long-established traditions and practices, Kēpa has shown himself to be a role model in bringing cultural change in engineering education in a positive way. His work has been shared and referenced in many spheres, both nationally and internationally, and has extended and strengthened engineering through successfully showing how to integrate matauranga Māori with western knowledge and methods to create solutions and decision tools responding to the needs of Māori and others. Kēpa devised the Mauri Model, a decision framework known as the Mauri Model, to assist discussions and decisions about municipal water use that incorporate cultural considerations. As well as Te Mana O Te Wai and Three Waters Reform, the Mauri Model is now applied in many other contexts such as assessment reports for climate change, historic change, and contaminated sites.
Since 2019, Dr Morgan has led the incorporation of mātauranga Māori in freshwater monitoring and reporting, including bespoke digital monitoring frameworks and assessments for Rotoitipaku, Te Roto Whaiti i kitea e Ihenga, Waiāri, and Ngā Rua Hu wai o Tahu Matua. In addition to these practical solutions, Kēpa is also co-leading research projects including Pohewa Pae Tawhiti, Pūhiko Nukutū Green Hydrogen, and Electric Vehicle Uptake and Māori.
Kēpa is recognised as an outstanding engineer in terms of eminence, sustained leadership, professional behaviour, profile – all of which encapsulate the qualities of a Distinguished Fellow.
Mike Underhill

Mike Underhill is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for his contribution to the engineering profession and the electrical energy sector of New Zealand. During his long career, Mike has constantly raised awareness and kept a focus on issues related to the supply, delivery and use of electrical energy. He has influenced and enabled the significant changes in government policy necessary to ensure energy supply keeps pace with energy needs in a way that responsibly deals with the impacts of this key infrastructure.
With an electrical engineering degree, Masters of Commerce (Hons) and Harvard University’s Advanced Management Programme, Mike has held key chief executive roles in both the private and public sector of engineering and energy related organisations including Energy Direct, TransAlta, WEL Networks and EECA. His engineering background coupled with commercial savvy give him a unique perspective of the energy sector. In his ‘retirement’, Mike serves as a Director for Network Waitaki, Electra, The Lines Company and Wellington Water, chairing committees in each of these organisations.
At EECA, Mike oversaw the implementation of the Warm Up New Zealand insulation and clean heating programmes, Minimum Energy Performance Standards for electrical appliances, electric vehicle programme (which sets the path for the decarbonisation of our transport system) and energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes for commercial and industrial businesses. He continues to work with Government and other leaders, influencing policy and programmes, and ensuring decisions and strategies are backed with solid technical reasoning.
Mike is regarded as an inspirational leader by his staff and his organisations have been within the top 20 best places to work while he was at the helm. He has championed gender and ethnic diversity, created pathways for development and promotion, and mentored and supported staff at all levels. He has been a member of interview panels for professional registration at IPENZ/Engineering New Zealand.
Mike has a strong set of personal values that he brings to his work, believing that everyone can add value and that this should be acknowledged and respected. Mike has constantly applied himself to balancing economic, social and environmental issues as an organisational leader and in his personal life. He spent three years with Volunteer Service Abroad working with the Electric Power Corporation in Apia, Samoa. Consistent with this philosophy, Mike is a strong customer advocate and promoter of energy affordability to address the many New Zealanders who are suffering from energy and economic hardship. While at EECA, Mike declined salary increases for a number of years so that the limited funding pool could be spread more equitably amongst those on lower wages.
Mike has been a considerable role model for positive change over his decades long career. Mike’s tribal affiliation is Ngāti Raukawa.
Honorary Fellows
Brett Williams
Brett Williams is appointed an Honorary Fellow of Engineering New Zealand for his contribution to developing and maintaining the processes for engineering accreditations, as well as for his leadership, both in New Zealand and internationally, through his engagement and role in the International Engineering Alliance. Brett’s contribution has had significant impact for the New Zealand engineering profession in terms of international and domestic recognition in engineering educational accords and professional competency mobility agreements.
Andrew McKillop
CMEngNZ, NZCE (Civil)
Andrew has 40 years’ experience managing and leading engineering programmes. He's an excellent communicator who focuses on building relationships to achieve tangible results. His in-depth knowledge of policy, governance and operational requirements helps drive outcomes and provides continuous improvement for communities.
As a natural leader, Andrew encourages and enables others to succeed. He's passionate about supporting the engineering profession and wider transport sector to develop and grow.
Andrew is the programme director for Te Ringa Maimoa Transport Excellence Partnership, a unique and enduring alliance that champions excellence in transport asset management.
Bing Xue
PhD, MSc, BSc
Bing has made significant contributions to ICT engineering research, technical expertise applications, engineering education, and Women in Engineering. She has more than 300 fully refereed publications and 10,000 citations to her name. Her major contribution also includes the applications of AI and data science techniques to various engineering applications, ranging from the New Zealand primary industry to health or (bio)medical domains. Bing co-led the establishment of the first AI postgraduate qualifications and AI undergraduate major in New Zealand, and has supervised a large number of research students from diverse backgrounds.
Cathy Forrest
CPEng, MEngNZ, IntPE, M.Eng
Cathy is a Civil Engineer with over 30 years’ experience and leads the Civil Infrastructure team for AECOM in the South Island. Cathy is a Technical Director with extensive experience covering large public infrastructure projects and smaller upgrade works as well as private developments. She has worked in the South Island as Project Director, Team Leader, Design Manager, Engineer to the Contract and Engineer’s Representative on various local council and Waka Kotahi projects for the past 16 years and has become a trusted client advisor and collaborative team leader to key clients in that time.
Chris Bauld
Chris is a geotechnical engineer and project governance specialist who has worked widely across vertical and horizontal infrastructure projects, including the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, the second Tauranga Harbour Crossing and the Puhoi to Warkworth Expressway. He started his career as a cadet in 1986, completing a New Zealand Certificate of Engineering and followed this with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Master of Engineering (Geotechnical). Chris has had a varied career, with roles in construction and consultancy businesses, covering highly technical specialist modelling to commercial and project governance roles.
Chris Purchas
BTech (Hons), MEngNZ
Chris is a waste and resource recovery sector leader, with more than 25 years’ experience helping businesses and governments increase resource recovery and improve solid waste management systems. Chris has worked in resource recovery, waste strategy and infrastructure projects across New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific for a wide range of clients including the Asian Development Bank, Governments, both local and regional authorities. Chris provides expert advice to senior decision makers using holistic frameworks to deliver best value for communities. Chris remains active in project delivery with current projects across the Pacific, in New Zealand and Victoria.
Clive Anderson
BE (Civil)(Hons), MSc (Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology, Distinction), Diploma of Technical Management (Deakin), CPEng
Clive’s geotechnical engineering career spans nearly 40 years. He has contributed to some of New Zealand’s major engineering projects including the Clyde Dam landslides, the post-earthquake recovery of Christchurch and the Kaikoura Coast transport corridor reinstatement following the 2016 earthquake. Clive also worked extensively in the coal mining sector designing highwalls, tailings and water management dams. He is a Risk Director and Senior Project Director with Tonkin + Taylor where he manages business risks and oversees the design of large geotechnical and coastal engineering projects. He champions sound geotechnical practice, which he demonstrates through his peer review and expert witness work.
Daniel Crichton
MEngSt(Hon),CMEngNZ, CPEng
Daniel is a passionate Civil Engineer. He has 20 years of experience in the design and construction of a wide range of Civil infrastructure including bridges, ports, pavements, and wind farms. This experience has been in a diverse range of environments, from the mountains of Fiordland to remote areas of the Pacific. In his current role as Director of Engineering at Downer, he is responsible for the structures, rail, geotechnical and pavements professional engineering disciplines in their Transport business.
David Brierley
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer
Dave is a Civil Engineer and project manager with proven leadership experience in the delivery of major complex multi-disciplined transportation projects in New Zealand and internationally. His career has taken him around the world, working on some exciting mega-projects, meeting a wide array of people, and providing cultures and developing enduring relationships. Dave now enjoys ‘paying it back’ to the profession, sharing his knowledge and wisdom as a mentor and coach, and volunteering his time to the management and administration of Engineering New Zealand. Dave is currently Treasurer of the Auckland Branch and serves on the Auckland Transportation Group committee.
David McLernon
After 10 years with McConnell Dowell in the Middle East, David joined Octa Associates Ltd in 1993 as their Christchurch-based Branch Manager and Director/Shareholder, a role he held for nearly 30 years. As such, he has played a key role in the mentoring and development of many young project managers across New Zealand. He has worked on numerous large-scale projects across all industry sectors with many of his recent roles being in governance as Project Director or Engineer to Contract including the $1.47bn new Dunedin Hospital. David has acted as an independent RMA Commissioner, a Development Contributions Commissioner and a Gateway Reviewer. He has recently been appointed to Engineering New Zealand’s pilot panel for Engineers to Contract.
Evan Giles
Evan has found engineering a fulfilling profession that is endless in providing opportunities for increasing knowledge and improving society. Encouraging younger practitioners is a current driver for him at WSP, where Evan is Project Director – passing on a passion to build a better society for all.
He pioneered the New Zealand Chapter of the Australasian Tunnelling Society, fostering cooperative work between owners and builders of subterranean infrastructure that enriches and enhances communities. Two years ago, the Engineering New Zealand linked technical society became a country member of the International Tunnelling Association, changing its name to the NZ Tunnelling Society.
Evan considers himself to be a people-person who likes and promotes teamwork, enthusiastically motivating synergy.
Rick Wentz (Frederick)
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer, BSc., MSc. (Geotechnical CPEng, GE (Calf), CE (Calf.)
Rick Wentz has been a practising geotechnical engineering for 30 years. He has worked internationally on a variety of large infrastructure projects including nuclear power plants and large dams. Rick came to New Zealand in 2011 initially to work on the Christchurch rebuild and was a co‐principal investigator for the EQC ground improvement trials project. He has since served as a technical expert on various review panels and working groups including the Seismic Risk Working Group and developed site investigation and design guidance for geotechnical engineers. Rick also has a strong interest in helping to link the outputs from academic research to engineering practice, and helping to improve technical awareness and standards amongst geotechnical engineers.
Gordon Young
BE, MBA (Technology Management) , CMEngNZ, FIEAust, MIEEE, MIET, CPEng, RPEQ, NER
Gordon has considerable Air Navigation Service Provider management, project, safety, and New Zealand high voltage electrical experience. His time with Airservices Australia and Airways New Zealand has afforded him aviation experience, through management and engineering responsibilities for the New Zealand Airways’ Navigation System Modernisation Project, Ground Based Augmentation System, flight inspection, safety audits, and risk assurance.
An internationally recognised subject matter expert in Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Gordon is currently working on the Satellite Based Augmentation System (known as the Southern Augmentation Positioning Network – SouthPAN) to provide Australia and New Zealand aviation with more accurate GPS guidance for aircraft approaches to airports.
Kathryn Ward
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ) / APEC Engineer MInstD CMEngNZ MBAt area of HV Power Systems Protection and Automation. She has worked predominantly in the New Zealand power systems industry during her career and has led the protection design on many significant power systems projects. Her goal is to demonstrate by example that a female in this industry can, through a technically focused career, become a recognised technical specialist in their chosen engineering discipline.,
Kennie Tsui
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer, MInstD, CMEngNZ, MBA
Kennie is the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Geothermal Association. Her desire to make a positive impact transformed her to become a purposeful leader, leading industries, communities and society to strive for climate actions. She has over 25 years’ experience in private, public and not-for-profit sectors pioneering climate initiatives in Aotearoa through diverse, skilled and innovative teams that provide collaborative and innovation solutions.
Kennie is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a Board member of Engineering New Zealand, global member of USA Geothermal Association and a Fellow of the Gates Foundation. Her strength is drawn from: “Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” (“My superpower is not as an individual, but as a collective”).
Kevin Reid
BSc (Hons), FEngNZ, CEng (UK), MICE, MInstD
Kevin has been an engineer for over 35 years and is proud of the difference he has made to communities in New Zealand and overseas. Kevin has worked equally in private and public sector roles and across the breadth of the transport system value chain. This makes Kevin a ‘Specialist Generalist’ and allows him to get involved in complex projects and change programmes at the same time.
Kevin believes engineers have an important role to play in a sustainable future and looks forward to continuing to help make a difference.
Krish Shekaran
B.E.(Hons), DipEng, CPEng (Structural) , CMEngNZ, MInstD
Krish is a Principal in the Structural team in Beca and has been leading seismic risk reduction programmes for clients with large nationwide portfolios. He loves working with clients to help them address their seismic risks, primarily with respect to H&S implications for their staff and business. Krish believes in having fun with his team regularly as a happy mind means better solutions for the challenges we face.
Krish actively supports Engineering New Zealand’s drive to get engineers chartered and also is a committee member of the Special Interest Group of Immigrant Engineers, where he helps seek employment opportunities for our members. Krish is on the committee for Tennis Auckland Seniors where he helps to get our whānau to improve their health through tennis. He also has recently completed the Company Director’s Course from Institute of Directors.
Martin Larisch
MSc, PhD, CPEng MIE Aust, CMEngNZ
Martin has been involved in the design, delivery and certification of the foundation systems for various complex major infrastructure, building and marine projects across New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific.
He is passionate about sharing knowledge and facilitates numerous technical training courses for Engineering New Zealand, Engineering Education Australia, and the Deep Foundations Institute in the United States. Over the last decade he has been involved in the development of various international guidance documents for deep foundations, temporary works and underwater concrete applications.
Martin currently chairs the New Zealand Geotechnical Society’s climate change focus group.
Mason Reed
BE (Civil), CMEngNZ (Geotechnical) CPEng, IntPE(NZ)
Mason has over 26 years’ experience in assessing geotechnical hazards for a variety of projects in New Zealand and overseas. He was lead author for the ‘Marlborough District Council – Liquefaction Assessment Guidelines’ (September 2021) and has been a Practice Area assessor for the past seven years. He has particular expertise in forensic engineering, to determine the cause of damage to buildings, slope stability assessments and the geotechnical design aspects of municipal landfills.
Mason is the Geotechnical Director for Fraser Thomas, a multi-discipline engineering firm with six offices throughout New Zealand. He established its South Island operations.
Michelle Grant
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer
Michelle Grant is awarded a Fellowship for her significant contribution to leadership and structural engineering. She has championed small practitioners and leads by example in upholding high professional and technical standards through her work. Her leadership in the profession has included involvement with the Structural Engineering Society (SESOC), fronting national interviews, to promoting high professional quality standards.
Michelle is a role model within structural engineering, leading, and supporting women in engineering, emerging professionals and members in small practices.
Murray Burt
Murray is the Chief Engineer at Auckland Transport and has significant organisational responsibility for a portfolio of $25 billion worth of transport assets on behalf of the people of Tāmaki Makaurau. He has extensive experience in governance of complex infrastructure projects as a project alliance board member and holds governance roles on several industry bodies.
Murray has served as an engineer with United Nations, and other agencies, bringing hope and saving lives in some of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters and conflict zones including the Syrian war, Haiti earthquake and Asian tsunami – service for which he was awarded the New Zealand Special Service Medal by the New Zealand Government.
Neil Dodgson
BSc(Hons), PhD ScD CEng, CMEngNZ, FIET ,FIMA
Neil Dodgson is Professor of Computer Graphics in the Faculty of Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research at Victoria University of Wellington, having moved there in 2016 from the University of Cambridge. He co-leads the largest computer graphics research group in the Southern Hemisphere. His research career is in 3D television (displays that do not require special glasses), modelling of three-dimensional shape (in both CAD and animation), and the intersection of art, design, aesthetics, computing, and psycho-physics. He has over 140 publications and four patents.
Philippa Martin
PhD, PGCertStratLdrship, PGCertCounSt, PGCertTertTchg, BE Hons (1), SMIEEE, FEngNZ
Prof. Philippa Martin is a Professor of Wireless Communications at the University of Canterbury. She has 25 years’ research experience and publications in the field of wireless communications and is internationally known for designing high throughput communication systems and reduced complexity receiver algorithms.
Philippa is an award-winning educator. She feeds her engineering education research into innovative teaching practice, such as video tutorials after the Christchurch earthquakes and orientation programmes to foster inclusive cohort formation. As a public advocate for women and inclusion in engineering, she led the development of a peer mentoring system for over 1,000 first-year engineering students.
Raed El Sarraf
BSc(Eng), MEngSt, MEng(Hons), CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer
Raed El Sarraf has made major contributions to improving the knowledge relating to the durability of steel structures, especially bridges, in Australasia; as well as leading the way for the resurgence of steel bridges in New Zealand. He has achieved this through being involved in developing standards and guidance documents regularly used by design engineers and asset managers as well as thorough organising and presenting technical papers, seminars and conferences on these topics both in New Zealand and overseas.
He continues his voluntary service to Australasian Corrosion Association committees since 2011, and currently serves on the HERA Executive Board.
Rajika Jayaratne
CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer, CPEng, InPE, PhD (Civil Eng)
Rajika has undertaken strategic planning, hydraulic modelling, designing water infrastructure, research, and teaching for several organisations for twenty-five years or more.
Currently, she has a national role as a stormwater engineer with Waka Kotahi and assists with many environmental issues. In several technical leadership roles, Rajika led three waters projects covering environmental, catchment management planning, development specifications, standards, and guidelines.
Rajika has been a practice area assessor to Engineering New Zealand since 2011, a committee member for Auckland Branch, and a voluntary mentor to women engineers. With great satisfaction, she coaches and mentors’ younger engineers and other professionals to enjoy their profession, maximise their careers and add value to society through their work.
Ralph Fouche
CMEngNZ, CPEng (Civil, Management)
Ralph Fouche is Managing Director for Stantec New Zealand. He has more than 30 years’ engineering and management experience including design engineering, project management, client management, general management, and leadership within a multi-disciplinary consulting engineering business. He is passionate about collaborative approaches that provide good community outcomes. Ralph is a dedicated advocate for inclusion and diversity for the engineering industry.
Ralph is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a Director of Stantec New Zealand and of PAE New Zealand Limited. He has served on several governance boards including Engineering New Zealand.
Rishen Maharaj
FCIBSE, CEng (UK), CPEng (NZ), CMEngNZ, IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer
Rishen is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). He is the Operations Director for Building Services at WSP NZ
Rishen has nearly 20 years’ experience in the electrical engineering field and has delivered major projects in New Zealand, Australia, UK, Middle East, USA and Antarctica. Rishen established and chairs the Electrical Engineering Group at Engineering New Zealand, which has made a significant impact to the Low Voltage Electrical Engineering profession.
Rishen has contributed to the development of numerous standards during his career, and he represents Engineering New Zealand on standards committees.
Rob Bond
BEng(Hons), CPEng, CMEngNZ, Ceng (UK), ACSM
Rob is a Technical Principal with WSP based in Central Otago. He has worked primarily in the UK and New Zealand and has provided expert advisory roles on major infrastructure and power projects across New Zealand. He has been a key lead engineer on post natural disaster recovery projects, as well as advising and taking a design lead on major infrastructure projects.
Rob continues to influence the development of future engineers and contribute to the technical health of WSP. He is working to develop rockfall mitigation and protection systems and has presented papers on rockfall mitigation both in New Zealand and abroad.
Robert Swears
NZCE (Civil), BE(Civil)(Hons), MengSc (Transp)(UNSW), CMEngNZ, CPEng
Robert Swears is a Chartered Professional Engineer who specialises in road safety and transport engineering. With over thirty years’ experience in these fields, Robert uses his engineering skills and experience to improve the safety, efficiency and function of our road networks, focusing in particular on safe speeds and safe roads and roadsides.
Through his transport engineering work, Robert advises central and local government agencies in relation to a wide range of projects. This includes acting as an expert witness and leading the development of industry best practice guidance documents. His underlying aim is to provide future generations with the best practicable multi-modal road transport network.
Ross Roberts
BSc(Hons), MSc CGeol, FGS, GMICE, PEngGeol
Ross is Head of Engineering Resilience at Auckland Council, where he leads teams that deliver projects ranging from guideline development and geohazard studies to geotechnical and coastal design, construction and management. He has a background in geotechnical engineering and natural hazards and has worked on large-scale projects in the UK, Europe, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. He is particularly interested in building resilience through better governance, planning, asset management, sustainable design and procurement.
Ross is the co-ordinator of the Auckland Lifelines Group, a volunteer in Auckland Emergency Management as a Lifeline Utility Coordinator during emergency events, and is immediate past chair of the New Zealand Geotechnical Society. He has taught at universities in New Zealand and Indonesia on the topics of slope stability, natural hazards and geotechnical investigation.
Ruili Wang
Professor Ruili Wang has made a long-lasting impact on artificial intelligence and speech/signal processing through his contributions to theoretical study, algorithm innovation, industry applications, and societal services. He is recognised as a world-class research leader, having supervised many PhD students to completion.
Ruili has also made significant contributions to disseminating knowledge and research to the public and community, mentoring emerging researchers, and improving the international reputation of New Zealand. Particularly, his achievements in Māori speech processing are extremely valuable to Māori and New Zealand in terms of language protection, promotion and popularisation.
Scott Elwarth
With 30 years’ engineering experience in New Zealand, Europe and the South Pacific, Scott is one of New Zealand’s leading engineers specialising in the delivery of large-scale infrastructure projects. Scott has previously owned an engineering consulting business, received industry peer recognition for his work and has taken a New Zealand lead in introducing contractual innovation which has resulted in significant engineering, environmental and social outcome benefits.
As the Owners Interface Manager on the Link Alliance Leadership team Scott has a key role on the City Rail Link project, the largest infrastructure project in New Zealand history. He currently serves on the Board of Engineering Without Borders New Zealand and continues to be an active contributor to advance and promote the engineering profession.
Steven Knowles
Steven has held senior management and project roles and has been a board member of the Association of Consulting and Engineering, New Zealand (ACE NZ).
Steven co-led the NZAID programme to provide training to Nepali structural engineers. Steven has been engaged as an expert witness for Christchurch earthquake claims by most of the parties and is a member of the Engineering New Zealand panel that has provided technical assistance to the Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service and the Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal. Steven was jointly awarded the Engineering New Zealand Gold Medal in 2022 along with the other members of the panel.
Wayne Hatcher
Wayne Hatcher is Technical Director – Asset Management at WSP in New Zealand. In his wider leadership role, he provides oversight for the technical health of WSP in New Zealand and supports career development and accreditation for all WSP New Zealand’s emerging professionals.
Wayne has been at the forefront of asset management practice in New Zealand and internationally from its infancy and has used that position to enhance New Zealand Asset Management practice to the benefit of all Kiwis by drawing on his extensive experience and deep understanding of infrastructure systems and community expectations.
Yi Mei
Yi has significantly contributed to ICT engineering research in artificial intelligence and optimisation. He has over 180 peer-reviewed publications and 4,700 citations. He has successfully applied his technical expertise to various engineering applications in high-value manufacturing, transportation and primary industry.
2022 Fellows
Distinguished Fellows
Bryan Pidwerbesky

Bryan Pidwerbesky is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for his contribution in advancing the science and lifetime performance of pavements and surfacing materials.
Bryan’s depth of experience and professional competency has seen him recognised as New Zealand’s “go-to” person for everything to do with pavements.
He was appointed Senior Adjunct Fellow in Civil Engineering at the University of Canterbury and his participation on numerous national and international technical and advisory committees, working parties and boards reflects his international standing.
Bryan has led and has authored many technical papers, and is known for his technical leadership and communication abilities. He has developed and mentored many young and mid-career engineers in all aspects of pavement design and use, with applications ranging from airport runways, container handling, manoeuvring and hard-standing areas.
Wide variations in substrates and local availability of materials have meant Bryan’s technical input is frequently sought at the inception of projects. This sees him working with clients, decision makers and key stakeholders to understand issues and concerns, and to explain complex solutions simply. Bryan’s knowledge and ability has enabled considerable advances of the construction and performance of the thin flexible pavements that underpin New Zealand’s transport network.
Highly respected by his peers in New Zealand and internationally, Bryan exemplifies the hallmarks of a Distinguished Fellow in terms of eminence, sustained leadership, professional behaviour, profile, and mana.
Craig Price

Craig Price is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow or his contribution to leadership, governance and the development of the profession.
Craig’s technical background is in design of commercial and institutional buildings and, in particular, energy-efficient and green building technologies. As a Technical Officer of Beca Group, Craig is involved in professional practice and guiding Beca’s technical capability across eight countries, 23 offices and more than 3,500 staff.
Craig’s resilience, strong character and communication are exemplary. His leadership as Beca’s Regional Manager for the South Island and Manager of Christchurch office through the two major Canterbury earthquakes was outstanding, as was his compassion for people’s families. He is currently Chair of Beca New Zealand and Chair of the Beca Group Management Share Trust.
Craig has wide experience in leadership and governance. He was a Director on the Establishment Board of the New Zealand Green Building Council, on its Board (2006–2013) and Chair (2011–13). He was President of Engineering New Zealand in 2018 and has also been a member of Engineering New Zealand’s Competence Assessment Board (2008–2014), governing Board, Registration Authority Board (2015–2019), Standards and Accreditation Board (2015–present). He has served as Chair or President on many of these boards, and has also been a Practice Area Assessor for Chartered Professional Engineer interviews for more than 20 years.
Craig is strongly committed to the profession and passionate about supporting the objectives of the International Engineering Alliance to achieve internationally benchmarked standards for engineering education and competence for engineering practice. He has been involved in the Alliance since 2011 and participated in a range of international review roles.
He has served on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Framework Review’s Advisory Group since 2017 and, in 2021, was appointed Deputy Chair of the International Professional Engineers Agreement.
Craig has served in many advisory roles for central government and – particularly since the 2011 quakes – contributed significantly to Christchurch and Canterbury business growth and success as an Executive Member of the Canterbury Business Leader’s Group and Chair of its Infrastructure Working Group. In his role as Beca’s Regional Manager, Craig was awarded Champion Professional Service at the 2013 Champion Canterbury Business Awards. He recently retired as a Director of City Care Limited.
Craig received the Fulton Downer Gold Medal in 2014 for outstanding contribution to Public Service.
Geoff Chase

Professor Geoff Chase is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for his contribution to the profession and society. He has created opportunities to combine engineering, medicine and applied research, leading to the creation of viable products and start-up companies that continue to significantly improve healthcare.
As a Distinguished Professor – Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury, Geoff is known for his extraordinary academic leadership and professional contributions. In his academic career to date he has supervised many students, both domestic and international through Doctorates, Masters, Post-Doctoral Fellowships and has produced more than 1,500 peer-reviewed publications and/or patents. Through his drive and passion, he attracts and champions a diverse range of bright and enthusiastic students. His impact is amplified through a legacy of successful graduates pursuing further research and start-up companies.
Geoff exemplifies the ideal of an engineer who has gained industry experience, then returned to academia to forge an illustrious career. As both a civil and mechanical engineer, Geoff uses his wide appreciation of knowledge to bring together disparate approaches. An example of this is his applying seismic engineering theories to serious and chronic medical conditions, leading to advancements in treatment that saves both lives and money. His belief in the ability to reduce the time and cost of treatment through increased productivity enables the more intangible, human aspects of healthcare to be retained.
Geoff co-founded the National Science Challenge, and has received numerous distinctions and awards, including Fellowship of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, and a Royal Society of New Zealand MacDiarmid Medal. He is active in governance and also represents New Zealand engineering internationally as the Technology, Applied Science, and Engineering Convenor for Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Charles Clifton

Charles Clifton is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for his contribution to earthquake engineering research in structural steel systems, as well as earthquake engineering practice in New Zealand.
Since 1983, Charles has led the development and implementation of design guidance for using structural steel in buildings in New Zealand. His work has been hugely influential in the paradigm shift in multistorey building design and construction, leading to lighter, safer, more resilient and more repairable buildings.
His work has formed the basis for the design of steel-framed buildings for gravity, earthquake, fire and durability used by all New Zealand structural engineers.
Charles graduated from the University of Canterbury in 1979 with his Master of Engineering. In 1983, he started the Structural Division of the New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association and, in 1994, was involved in the formation of the Steel Structures Analysis Service, now Steel Construction New Zealand. In 2008, he joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland, specialising in structural steel and composite engineering. There, he also completed his PhD in civil engineering.
Charles has conducted and coordinated research into structural steel and steel-concrete composite buildings to ensure their good performance in severe earthquake and severe fire events. He has disseminated that information for the benefit of the design industry,
the construction industry and New Zealand as a whole. His leadership and guidance has been particularly important for structural design engineers. His impact extends to the effective re-education of practitioners who, before the 1980s, had minimal experience in multistorey steel design.
Charles’ research has embraced the development of new seismic resisting technologies, composite steel-concrete elements, seismic detailing, the performance of steel and composite structures in fire, and the durability of structural steel. He has been a major contributor to the subsequent development of new and revised Standards and Codes of engineering practice for structural steel design and fire engineering.
Charles is seen by peers as the go-to person for all aspects of structural steel design. He has been conferred as Life Member of both the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Engineering Society New Zealand.
Mike Stannard

Mike Stannard is recognised as a Distinguished Fellow for his contribution to the profession as well as to New Zealand’s built environment.
Mike’s unique knowledge overlaps geotechnical, structural, seismological, construction and regulatory fields. As Chief Engineer for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Mike used his mana and influence to passionately and tirelessly represent the engineering profession at the highest level of government.
Mike was the Ministry’s lead for technical work relating to Canterbury earthquakes response and recovery. He subsequently initiated and participated in the investigations into collapsed buildings in Christchurch and provided significant input to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure Caused by the Canterbury Earthquakes. Later, Mike led the implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission.
Mike has used his knowledge and influence to secure changes that are enduring and significant to the profession. For example, he established the National Geotechnical Database and championed the Building Act amendment that enable investigation of building failures.
Mike has worked closely with the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, New Zealand Geotechnical Society and Structural Engineering Society New Zealand. He has sought their advice on technical issues, consulted when required and inspired the industry to move beyond its own interests and to coordinate and cooperate with each other. Testament to his work, Mike is the only engineer in New Zealand to be conferred as Life Member of all three technical societies.
Since leaving the Ministry, Mike has advised government agencies and territorial authorities on aspects of interpretation and application of the Building Act, as well as on seismic hazard and risk. His knowledge of building regulatory systems and its interface with design and engineering practice is internationally recognised, and he has represented New Zealand at significant international symposia.
Jan Snyman
Jan Snyman is the Managing Director/Technical Manager for Index Engineering Ltd with 40 years of mechanical design experience. He is an expert in pressure equipment and a design verifier for pressure equipment, boilers and cranes. Jan has in-depth knowledge of the pulp and paper industry as well as the energy generation sector. He has delivered many significant projects.
Jan has been a practice area assessor for over 15 years and has a passion for mentoring engineers. Under his guidance, five engineers employed at Index Engineering Ltd have successfully gained entry onto the Register of Design Verifiers.
Ben Perry
Ben Perry is the Director of Vision Consulting Engineers, which provides services to public and private clients. He promotes the engineering profession through volunteer work with local community groups and schools, while also helping graduates achieve their professional goals.
Ben has worked on projects across Northland, developed engineering standards, and provided strategic infrastructure analysis to local government.
Ben has been a longstanding committee member of the Northland Branch, including serving as Branch Chair. He is most passionate about his volunteer work and support, encouraging countless children in the Far North to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Blair Monk
Blair Monk is a Transport Network Operation specialist for Aurecon. He trained as a civil engineer and moved through the areas of design in road construction, geometrics, traffic engineering, safety, intelligent transport systems (ITS) and the future transport technology.
Blair has represented New Zealand at international events through his many years of service on the ITS New Zealand Board. His passion for optimisation and efficiency shines through when explaining complicated operational issues using plain language. Blair has been recognised as an innovator by industry and his latest work on future urban mobility is eagerly anticipated.
Brendan Attewell
Brendan Attewell is a temporary works specialist, whose construction engineering career has been defined through heavy civil and marine infrastructure projects in New Zealand and the South Pacific. His experience includes deep basement methodologies, enabling works assessments, façade retention and party wall support schemes for iconic projects across London and the United Kingdom. Brendan facilitates temporary works risk and awareness courses for Engineering New Zealand and was the inaugural chair of the Structural Engineering Society (SESOC) Temporary Works forum.
Brendan leads a team of in-house temporary works engineers and digital design specialists for The Fletcher Construction Company. He is passionate about delivering safer workplaces.
Brendon Bradley
Brendon Bradley is Professor of Earthquake Engineering in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury and Director of QuakeCoRE: The New Zealand Centre for Earthquake Resilience. His areas of interest include engineering seismology, strong ground motion prediction, seismic response analysis of structural and geotechnical systems, and seismic performance and loss estimation methods.
Brendon has also been a Director of Bradley Seismic Limited since 2010, providing consulting services in several areas of earthquake engineering.
Brett Gliddon
Brett Gliddon is the General Manager Transport Services at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, leading a team of around 700 people to partner and deliver an integrated transport system.
Brett’s experience in the transport sector spans planning, design, procurement, project management, construction, maintenance and operations. He has led many successful teams and worked alongside stakeholders and communities to achieve significant transportation outcomes for New Zealanders.
A great strategist with political nous, Brett has introduced vital changes to Waka Kotahi’s operating model to be agile and innovative, so that it can deliver a fit-for-purpose transport system in New Zealand.
Craig Davidson
Craig Davidson is the Managing Director of AECOM New Zealand. He is an accomplished leader with extensive experience in the leadership and governance of complex infrastructure projects, including alliance board roles on Eastern Busway, City Rail Link, Te Tupu Ngātahi alliances.
Craig is passionate about leadership and the important role of engineers in solving communities’ most complex challenges. He is committed to thought leadership and leads AECOM’s annual Sentiment report. Craig is also a strong voice on issues such as procurement and pipeline certainty.
Craig served as an Association of Consulting and Engineering (ACE NZ) area representative from 2013 to 2016 and Board member from 2016 to 2019.
Don Macfarlane
Don Macfarlane has made significant contributions to engineering geology within New Zealand for more than 40 years. During this time, he has led teams working on high profile and geologically projects such as the Clyde Power Project, Manapouri Second Tailrace Tunnel Scheme, Project Aqua and the Port Hills.
Don exemplifies industry leadership, and his body of work has been referenced by geologists and engineers throughout the country. He is not one to seek the limelight and instead inspires those around him while quietly contributing to improving the knowledge and practices of engineering geology.
Dragan Jovanovic
Dragan Jovanovic is a civil engineer and CPEng who is passionate about engineering sustainable developments and environmental protection. Hard work and commitment to the engineering industry have led Dragan to become a Technical Director of Water and Wastewater and a Principal of GHD.
Today, Dragan is one of the technical leaders in the water industry in New Zealand, having specialised in water transmission systems and large diameter pipelines. While most of his engineering designs are buried in the ground, he has made great contributions to minimising environmental effects through the use of modern technologies for trenchless pipe installations.
Elizabeth Yeaman
Elizabeth Yeaman has focused her 30-year career on the transport and renewable energy sectors. She is particularly interested in the interface between technology and people, and has worked to bring technical insights to policy development and implementation.
After 22 years with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Liz founded Retyna, a specialist consultancy on renewable energy for transport with a particular focus on electrifying transport. Having won the 2014 Furkert Supreme Technical Award for Engineering Achievers, she has gone on to become a leading voice on transport electrification, regularly speaking at conferences at home and abroad.
Graeme Johnson
Graeme Johnson is Chief Executive of Fulton Hogan New Zealand. He has more than 18 years’ experience in prior roles including design engineering, project management and general management of associated multi-disciplinary civil contracting and materials supply chain businesses. He is passionate about collaborative approaches that drive “best for project” outcomes and value creation through diverse, skilled and innovative teams that provide great solutions for clients and stakeholders.
Graeme is a CPEng; a Director of Southern Aggregates Ltd, Stevenson Aggregates Ltd, Stevenson Concrete Ltd; and a member of the Practice Advisory Board for the Department of Engineering at the University of Canterbury.
Graeme Lindup
Graeme Lindup completed his Master of Engineering at the University of Canterbury in 1975 and became involved with the structural design of offshore platforms and onshore industrial plants in both the United Kingdom and California in the early 1980s. After returning to New Zealand in 1983, Graeme continued to be involved with many of New Zealand’s major industrial plants and projects.
Graeme is recognised as a technical expert in the field of seismic design of industrial plants. He has presented papers and been involved with educating engineers in industrial plant design.
Graeme is currently a Specialist Civil/Structural Engineer for Worley NZ Ltd in New Plymouth.
Hans Gerlich
Hans Gerlich is a structural and fire engineer with more than 40 years’ industry experience including liaison with manufacturing, research, building trades, designers, and those shaping our regulatory environment. As Development Manager for New Zealand plasterboard manufacturer Winstone Wallboards, Hans has written engineering software widely used by industry professionals for the bracing design of light timber and steel framed structures.
Hans counts his involvement in the Canterbury and Kaikōura earthquake response and recovery activities as moving and most fulfilling. His contribution to fire engineering has furthered global understanding of the equivalent fire resistance of elements exposed to building fires. Most rewarding has been his role as industry supervisor for post-graduate engineering students and subsequently seeing their careers blossom.
Dr Jan Kupec
Dr Jan Kupec is a Geotechnical Principal at Aurecon. His expertise includes deep and shallow footings, retaining walls, slip and rock fall remediation, embankments and dams, as well as risk-based assessment of slope stability. He considers his work with the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and subsequently with Land Information New Zealand as Chief Geotechnical Advisor on the Christchurch rebuild to be career highlights.
Jan is also an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) specialist with Fire and Emergency NZ. He responded to Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquake events and deployed with the USAR team to Japan after their 2011 tsunami disaster.
He has published more than 70 technical papers and is passionate about resilience, sustainability and innovation.
Jan Snyman
Jan Snyman is the Managing Director/Technical Manager for Index Engineering Ltd with 40 years of mechanical design experience. He is an expert in pressure equipment and a design verifier for pressure equipment, boilers and cranes. Jan has in-depth knowledge of the pulp and paper industry as well as the energy generation sector. He has delivered many significant projects.
Jan has been a practice area assessor for more than 15 years and has a passion for mentoring engineers. Under his guidance, five engineers employed at Index Engineering Ltd have successfully gained entry onto the Register of Design Verifiers.
John Finnegan
John Finnegan is the Technical Director at Aurecon. He began his career with the Ministry of Works in 1981 and they provided superb engineering training and experience, including careful attention to design and detailing. John has continued to emphasise these facets throughout his career, while also being mindful of other factors that may need consideration, often outside the field of structural engineering.
Over the years, John has progressed to manage client portfolios and won numerous awards as a Technical Director. He actively influences and advises government, and has managed numerous client property portfolios and major building developments. He’s still pleased to be able to call himself an engineer.
Jon Visser
Jon Visser is Infrastructure Asset Manager for Port Otago and has looked after public and private infrastructure throughout New Zealand and overseas.
Jon has made significant contributions to the engineering profession in New Zealand, serving as Engineering New Zealand’s Otago Branch Chair for three years, assessing engineers to become CMEngNZ, and assessing tertiary education organisations for accreditation to international engineering accords. He has also served on the Board of the New Zealand Utilities Advisory Group, inspired new engineers as a Wonder Project Ambassador, and most recently participated on the steering group for the new Bachelor of Engineering Technology Apprenticeship degree in Asset Management.
Keith Atkinson
Keith Atkinson is a Technical Principal – Project Delivery in the Wellington office of WSP, with 47 years’ experience. He has played a significant role in the successful project and contract management of numerous major multi-disciplinary award-winning projects in the Wellington area, including the Inner City Bypass, SH2/SH58 Haywards Interchange and Silverstream-Manor Park 4-Laning.
Keith has made a tremendous contribution to the technical health of engineering within WSP in both contract management and cost estimating/risk. He is a key member of the WSP Contract Management Discipline Committee, has been Engineer to the Contract for some 500 contracts and is Waka Kotahi Accredited Level 4 Engineer to Contract and Engineer’s Representative. In addition, he has contributed to cost estimating guidelines and is a Waka Kotahi external cost estimate reviewer.
Keith has also run numerous training courses in contract management and cost estimating/risk and mentored countless young engineers.
Mathieu Sellier
Mathieu Sellier is Professor of Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury, a major engineering department which he has proudly led since 2019. With over 20 years’ research experience and a sustained publication track record in the areas of interfacial flows and inverse problems in engineering, he has made significant contributions to the fluid mechanics community in New Zealand and beyond.
By sharing his passion and enthusiasm for thermofluid dynamics research, Mathieu has inspired numerous undergraduate students and been privileged to mentor many postgraduates who now pursue rewarding and impactful careers in industry and academia.
Matt Harris
Matt Harris is Principal and Section Manager of Beca Ltd’s Southern Transport & Infrastructure Group.
Matt believes the strength of Engineering New Zealand is greatest when members actively participate in its many initiatives. He has continually supported Engineering New Zealand for more than 20 years, originally as a Future-in-tech ambassador promoting STEM subjects in schools and later as a CPEng practice area assessor and staff assessor.
In recent years Matt has sat on the Engineering New Zealand Board twice. He is currently on the Competency Assessment Board, which overseas CPEng application approvals. He is also on the CPEng Project Steering Group, providing support and insight into our ongoing CPEng reforms.
Mengjie Zhang
Mengjie Zhang is Professor of Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington. He has significantly contributed to ICT engineering research in AI and data science and has more than 700 peer-reviewed publications and over 18,000 citations. He has successfully applied his technical expertise to engineering applications in primary industry and health/(bio)medical outcomes.
Mengjie co-led the establishment of New Zealand’s first undergraduate AI specialisation and postgraduate AI qualifications. He has taught and developed 13 different courses in ICT engineering, supervised more than 50 PhD students to successful completion, and is working with iwi to attract Māori students to data science/AI programmes.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Murray Barber
Murray Barber has leveraged from his BE Hons and MBA qualifications to hold senior line management and governance roles, and consultancy team leadership.
These include NZ Rail, Ernst & Young, Cardno International, Kuwait Engineering Office International Consultants, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and JLL.
He has worked in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar, undertaking restructuring, commercialisation, life-cycle feasibility studies and project management.
He has an impressive record of successfully delivering complex projects as either Project Director or Engineer to the Contract. These include organisation restructures, commercialisation and projects executed under FIDIC or NZ Standards contracts.
Paul Utting
Paul Utting entered the engineering industry in 1977 and spent his first 10 years in projects and structural design. A move to Auckland triggered a focus on water services that has remained for the rest of his career, which has included time in local government and consultancies in New Zealand and Australia.
Paul has undertaken senior infrastructure management roles for Manukau Water, Rodney District, and Cairns Regional Council. His appreciation of the importance of both strategic and tactical asset management has been a feature of his development as a leader and practitioner.
Paul Wymer
Paul Wymer is a director and shareholder of BBR Contech with more than 35 years’ experience in the building and civil construction industry. He is a recognised leader in specialist engineering construction activities including post-tensioning, ground anchors, concrete repair and seismic strengthening, and is regularly consulted for his expertise.
He has presented numerous technical papers and has been involved in seminars and guest lectures on a range of topics through his affiliations with Engineering New Zealand technical groups, universities and industry organisations. Paul is a past-President of Concrete NZ Learned Society and was awarded Honorary Membership in 2014. He sits on the board of Concrete NZ and holds the position of Deputy Chair.
Peter Bailey
Peter Bailey has had a prominent engineering career in national and local organisations, in roles providing both strategic leadership and technical knowledge. His skills are acknowledged in a broad range of fields including water supply; sewerage; stormwater; reserves management; solid waste management, minimisation and transportation and he has had numerous successes in his career in these areas.
Peter is acknowledged for his inspiring leadership, community engagement, integrity, and policy advice. He has led projects that have won industry awards for innovation in technical areas and in relationship management.
Peter Calderwood
Peter Calderwood has been actively involved in engineering since completing his university education in 1981. He initially worked for the Electricity Division of the Ministry of Energy, during which time he was elected a corporate member of Engineering New Zealand.
For the past 34 years, Peter has worked for Trustpower – and its predecessor, the Tauranga Electric Power Board – in senior executive positions, including managing the network business prior to sale in 1999, developing renewable energy generation in New Zealand and Australia, and managing the wholesale energy portfolio. He has been actively involved in technical and commercial engineering during his tenure at Trustpower.
Dr Quincy Ma
Dr Quincy Ma is a structural engineer and academic leader at the University of Auckland. He is the structural engineering group leader and has contributed significantly to structural analysis teaching for the past 15 years. He was among the team leading the rejuvenation of the structural engineering curriculum
at Auckland. He is an internationally recognised expert in earthquake engineering.
Quincy actively contributes to technical societies and the profession. He has served on the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE) and the Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand (SESOC) management committees.
He is a Fellow of NZSEE and was its president from 2014 until 2016.
Dr Ray Wilson
Dr Ray Wilson has spent more than 50 years working primarily on major civil infrastructure projects since gaining his BE(Hons) at the University of Canterbury School of Engineering (1967) and his MS and PhD at Stanford University, California (1971).
Ray’s early career was with the Ministry of Works, helping build the Huntly Power Station and Clyde Dam. He joined the private sector to lead the construction of the pioneering Kamojang Geothermal Power Station in Java, followed by general manager roles with McConnell Dowell in New Zealand and Southeast Asia. Since 1995 he has been based in Australia, developing and leading large Public Private Projects (PPPs), including the $4.3 billion Airportlink in Brisbane and $800 million Puhoi to Warkworth PPP north of Auckland.
Ray has had great personal enjoyment and professional fulfillment over his career, and owes much to colleagues, mentors and friends who have assisted him. He is eternally grateful for, and owes a great debt to, his wife and two beautiful daughters for their constant support and patience.
Richard Neate
Richard Neate is a Technical Director with GHD and has more than 30 years’ experience designing water infrastructure. He has held commercial and technical leadership roles and has led several significant water and wastewater projects. He is a judge for the Association of Consulting and Engineering (ACE NZ) Awards and a member of the technical committee for the Water NZ conference.
Richard derives great satisfaction from coaching and mentoring younger engineers and leaders to enjoy their profession, maximise their engineering career and add value to society through their work.
Rob Dantzer
Rob Dantzer started his New Zealand journey in engineering a little over 10 years ago teaching in CPIT’s (now Ara Institute of Canterbury) engineering degree and diploma programmes. His journey has taken him from degree programme leader to manager of the engineering school. He is a member of Engineering New Zealand’s Standards and Accreditation Board and has recently retired from the New Zealand Board of Engineering Diplomas.
Rob believes he has settled on a truly noble profession: the marriage of engineering with education – a happy couple who grow old seeing their children apply and share scientific knowledge for the betterment of life and the planet.
Rodger Griffiths
Rodger Griffiths has been a professional engineer in the electricity supply industry for the past 40 years. During that time, he has been closely involved with a large number of generation, transmission and distribution projects. He is currently focusing on supporting the transformation and decarbonisation of New Zealand’s electricity industry through the innovative use of new and upcoming technology. He looks forward to contributing to a challenging era of unparalleled growth in the electricity industry driven by rapid electrification – which he sees as offering exciting opportunities for professional engineers.
Dr Sarah Wakes
Dr Sarah Wakes is an academic and science leader who is involved in teaching and researching aspects of engineering design, fluid dynamics, sustainability, and coastal management. She is an expert in computational fluid dynamics with a particular research focus on applications to engineering design and wind flow over complex coastal geomorphology.
An Associate Professor at the University of Otago, Sarah is the Head of the Mathematics and Statistics department, the first female in this role. She is also a chartered engineer through the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (UK).
Dr Sina Cotter Tait
Dr Sina Cotter Tait graduated from the University of Canterbury with a BE(Hons) and has since earned an MBA with Distinction and a PhD in construction management. She has spent her more-than-20-year career working as a civil engineer specialising in contracts, technical documentation, design management, relationship management and governance.
Sina’s career has woven together her interests in professional engineering, governance and education, and is distinguished by a strong theme of service. Guided by the phrase “true success is when you lift others with you”, Sina has been mentored by leaders who have shown her the importance of integrity, humility and compassion in engineering leadership.
Dr Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Dr Sjoerd van Ballegooy is the Expertise Director at Tonkin + Taylor Ltd for the Geotechnical Group, comprising more than 200 geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. He is responsible for overseeing the technical development and technical mentoring of the engineering staff, technical liaison with the industry and research institutions, incorporating latest research into engineering practice and ensuring that T+T continues to be at the forefront of geotechnical engineering.
Sjoerd has extensive experience in earthquake engineering, including seismic site response, liquefaction, lateral spreading, effects on structures and ground improvement, hazard mapping, earthquake loss modelling, earthquake resilience assessment and stakeholder engagement. His work in these areas has included expert evidence work for hearings, mediations and the courts.
Stuart Finlan
Stuart Finlan’s career spans more than 35 years on three continents in the geotechnical, geo-environmental and civil engineering spheres across a diverse range of projects. These include industrial and commercial developments, horizontal infrastructure, mining subsidence, landfills, land instability and contaminated land assessment and remediation.
Stuart is the Lead Advisor – Geotechnical at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency where he sets the strategic direction, policy and standards for geotechnics. He is recognised nationally and internationally for his innovation and technical expertise and has been involved in the development of several national design guides.
Stuart has helped lead and govern a number of industry committees and organisations, as well as project alliance boards within Waka Kotahi.
Stuart Palmer
Stuart Palmer is a Technical Director–Earthquake Foundation Engineering with Tonkin + Taylor. Stuart is actively involved in the seismic design and assessment of buildings in collaboration with structural engineers. He has authored more than 20 papers in earthquake foundation engineering and was a lead author of the ‘Seismic assessment of existing buildings guideline’, section C4 ‘Geotechnical considerations’. He has been providing input to New Zealand’s ‘Low Damage Seismic Design’ handbook and review of the New Zealand Geotechnical Society’s earthquake engineering modules. A focus of his work continues to be assessment of liquefaction and lateral spread potential of Wellington’s reclaimed waterfront and design of building foundations allowing for this potential.
Stuart Woods
Stuart Woods has 36 years’ engineering experience, having worked in local and central government roles as well as in private consultancy. He gained both his Bachelor and Masters degrees at the University of Canterbury.
Almost all of Stuart’s professional career has been in roading and transport related engineering, with an emphasis in transport planning, policy and strategy. His greatest satisfaction has come from leading innovative and collaborative projects that provide improvements for the community. He also has a long history of involvement with various voluntary engineering interest groups such as the Transportation Group and Trips Database Bureau.
Stuart is currently Lead Advisor – Resilience at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Warren Ladbrook
Warren Ladbrook returned to New Zealand a decade ago and has brought back expertise in disaster response, recovery, and related initiatives.
Warren held influential disaster recovery positions for the tsunami reconstruction of Sri Lanka, award-winning reconstruction of Iraq, and notable infrastructure planning work in Afghanistan, India and more. He developed expertise in bringing different governments together for shared outcomes and gained an important understanding about the interdependencies of the built environment and social wellbeing.
He has made notable contributions to engineering in New Zealand in several capacities, particularly with regard to the planning, funding, and delivery of public infrastructure. Of note is his early contributions to the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, including as lead author on an early white paper about how to incorporate resilience into infrastructure reconstruction.
Warren is concurrently working towards a PhD through the University of Auckland, with a focus on quantification of the post-disaster interdependencies between the built environment and social wellbeing.
Wes Edwards
Wes Edwards founded specialist traffic engineering and transport planning consultancy Arrive in 2002 where he serves as Director. With more than 30 years’ specialist transport experience and seven years in other engineering disciplines, Wes has contributed to the advancement of traffic engineering practice in New Zealand, particularly in bus priority and in residential street layout and design. He is currently a member of the Standards Australia committee responsible for the AS/NZS2890 series of parking standards and is frequently an expert witness in resource management proceedings.
Yolanda Thorp
Yolanda Thorp is a geotechnical engineer with more than 35 years’ experience. Her current role is Technical Director, Project Director and Team Leader at Tonkin + Taylor Ltd.
Yolanda has contributed to the design and construction of major infrastructure roading and rail projects for a major portion of her career. These include Auckland’s City Rail Link, the Puhoi to Warkworth motorway, Lincoln Road Interchange and Maioro Interchange.
Yolanda derives great satisfaction from meeting the challenges of design and construction and delivering an asset that improves New Zealand’s infrastructure, as well as mentoring and assisting the career development of engineers across the industry.