Aotearoa is facing a skills and diversity shortfall across science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). STEM professionals are essential to driving major innovations and progress for our motu. So, to protect our future, we need more of them. Enter the Wonder Project.

The Wonder Project is Engineering New Zealand's free schools programme, designed to inspire rangatahi with STEM. It includes successive programmes aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum, which are fun, hands-on, engaging and accessible so they resonate with all ākonga, and especially girls, Māori and Pacific Peoples. They deliver sustained engagement across the most impressionable years of Kiwi kids’ school experience – reinventing their perceptions of STEM when it matters most.

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Where possible, each programme is supported by volunteer industry professionals who join classrooms as Wonder Project Ambassadors. Ambassadors build confidence in ākonga and kaiako as they take on their STEM journey and provide a source of meaningful representation for our rangatahi.

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Thanks to generous funding from sponsors, everything needed to run the programmes is provided free – including a challenge kit, student learning material, lesson guides and detailed support notes. All Wonder Project resources are backed by years of research and refinement and carefully curated to empower rangatahi – so they can achieve remarkable things at school, in their communities, and in their future careers.

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