In March 2011 we launched a programme to support and encourage women to enter, remain and advance in the engineering profession. Our Women in Engineering Snapshot series used data from engineering organisations to track the progress towards the goals of this programme.

This snapshot series concluded in 2015. This work now continues under the Diversity Agenda in the form of their annual insights reports. The Diversity Agenda is a joint initiative from Engineering New Zealand, Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects and ACE New Zealand.

Women in Engineering Update 2013   |  1.1 MB

Women in Engineering Snapshot 2013   |  2.0 MB

Women in Engineering Snapshot 2014   |  718.1 KB

Women in Engineering Snapshot 2015   |  783.9 KB

Other resources

There are some brilliant organisations doing some good work on diversity and inclusion. Take a look.