16 results found for ‘Alan Reay’
CTV Building – Alan Reay complaint upheld
An Engineering New Zealand Disciplinary Committee has today upheld a longstanding complaint against Alan Reay. Dr Reay was the sole principal of the firm that designed the failed CTV building.
Court of Appeal decision on Alan Reay welcomed
Chief Executive Susan Freeman-Greene says Engineering New Zealand will be continuing its complaints process against Alan Reay, now that the Court of Appeal has declined Dr Reay’s appeal.
Reay Hearing: Committee reserves its decision
An Engineering New Zealand Disciplinary Committee has adjourned to determine its findings in the complaint against Dr Alan Reay.
CTV: Alan Reay complaint – timeline of events
A timeline of key events in the complaint against Dr Alan Reay, who owned the company that designed the CTV Building.
Disciplinary Committee to hear CTV complaint
An Engineering New Zealand Disciplinary Committee has set the date to hear the complaint against Dr Alan Reay. The hearing is scheduled for 21-22 August, in Christchurch.
CTV Complaint Disciplinary Hearing, 4–5 December
An Engineering New Zealand Disciplinary Committee has confirmed the complaint against Dr Alan Reay will be heard on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 December at Hagley Oval, Christchurch, and continue on Wednesday 6 December as necessary.
Reay Hearing: Opening Statement
Today, Andrew McMenamin CPEng CMEngNZ opened the Disciplinary Committee hearing for the complaint against Dr Alan Reay, whose firm designed the CTV Building that collapsed in the Christchurch Earthquake, tragically killing 115 people.
High Court dismisses request for judicial review
On 4 September, the Wellington High Court heard the request for a judicial review of the complaint against Dr Alan Reay, who owned the firm that designed the CTV Building that killed 115 people when it collapsed in the Christchurch Earthquake.
IPENZ welcomes MBIE initiative to seek a Review
The Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) has welcomed the initiative by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to seek a Judicial Review of an IPENZ decision not to proceed with an investigation into Dr Alan Reay as a result of complaints made against him.
We will reopen Alan Reay complaints
Engineering New Zealand will reopen complaints against Alan Reay, following the High Court’s decision today.