Learn about the steps you can take to fulfil your 40 hours of CPD each year to develop as an engineer.
Why you need to fulfil your 40 hours
Engineering is a rapidly evolving field, where staying current with the latest advancements, technologies and regulatory changes will ensure you maintain your professional competence and achieve career success.
At Engineering New Zealand, we’re here to support you on your professional journey. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plays a pivotal role in this mission, and if you're a member, is one of the ways you comply with the Code of Ethical Conduct.
Read why fulfilling your 40 hours of CPD is so important
How to structure your 40 hours
For your 40 hours of CPD, we recommend that you:
- aim to do a range of CPD activities across the different competency domains of Core, Professional and Technical
- make sure the activities you choose are appropriate to your career stage and help you maintain or improve your knowledge, skill or judgement in your area of engineering practice.
What about CPEng?
If you’re applying to become or renewing your status as a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), you’ll need to:
- demonstrate that you’ve completed an appropriate range of CPD learning activities within your current practice area over the past six years or since graduation.
Ways to fulfil your 40 hours
Find out how Ariana is aiming to complete her 40 hours of CPD.

Why you need to record your 40 hours
It’s important to record your CPD to help you:
- track your progress
- reflect on your learning
- demonstrate your commitment to professional development
- provide evidence for progressing within an organisation
- secure employment.
It is also required for your application to become a Chartered Member (CMEngNZ) and Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng).
How to record your 40 hours
If you’re a member of Engineering New Zealand, all learning activities you complete with us will automatically be added to your CPD record. To add external activities (like those offered by your workplace), simply:
- Login to your dashboard and click on ‘My CPD log’.
- Click on the ‘Add Evidence Item’ under ‘CPD External Activities’. Enter the required information and any documents/verification you’d like to attach.
- Save the evidence item.