Am I eligible? To be eligible to apply for Fellowship you need the support of 3 sponsors. For Distinguished Fellowships, you must already be a Fellow and be nominated.

Membership Perks

Fellow Thumbnail Respected

Respected by all

Being a Fellow or Distinguished Fellow means you’re well respected throughout the industry, and by the public. Being acknowledged as an esteemed industry expert is priceless.
Leadership Skills Thumbnail

Expert in the field

We look to our Fellows to review policies, judge on panels and provide their expertise and opinions on advisory committees. You’ll make a difference by contributing your time, knowledge, and skills to the profession.

Read the latest policy submissions

Leadership image - Thumbnail

Grow the profession

A new generation of engineers need mentors to look up to and emulate. As a Fellow, you’re able to change the face of the industry by nurturing and inspiring young and passionate professionals. This is your chance to give back to the profession.

See our upcoming networking events

Electric car

Establish your credibility

The industry needs more experts like you. With your membership post nominal, you’ll establish yourself as a leader. You open yourself up to new career opportunities when you’re known in the industry. With FEngNZ or DistFEngNZ after your name, people will know you’re committed to engineering.

Check out the latest engineering jobs


Nominate a Fellow or Distinguished Fellow. Nominations close at 5pm Monday 2 September 2024.



A Fellow is an engineer who makes significant contributions to the engineering profession. If you know someone doing incredible work in your field, we want to know about them. You may also nominate yourself for Fellowship and you're encouraged to do so.

Distinguished Fellow

A Distinguished Fellow is a Fellow who makes eminent contributions to engineering and advancing the profession. They are nominated by peers and appointed by the Board on recommendation from the Distinguished Fellowships Panel.

Honorary Fellow

An Honorary Fellow is an exceptional person committed to supporting and advancing the fields of engineering, technology, or science. Honorary Fellowships are decided on and presented by the Board, and do not cost an annual fee.


We have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and are proud to be one of the organisations behind the Diversity Agenda which is our initiative to make engineering and architecture more diverse and inclusive professions. We want our Fellow and Distinguished Fellow appointments to reflect the diversity of the engineering profession. If there’s anything we can do to help you participate fully in the selection process, let us know by emailing

We're continuing to make changes to our Fellowship and Distinguished Fellowship guidance. Read our Fellowship guidelines and updated Distinguished Fellowship guidelines to help with your application.

Nominations are open until Monday 2 September. The timeline for the Fellows process is set out below.

  • June to September – Applications/nominations open
  • October/November – Applications/nominations evaluated
  • December – Successful applicants/nominees contacted. Fellowships and Distinguished Fellowships publicly announced
  • March – Fellowships awarded at the Fellows' dinner

To apply for Fellowship, you'll need three sponsors, including two current Engineering New Zealand Fellows or Distinguished Fellows (one of whom will be the Lead Sponsor). To find a Fellow or Distinguished Fellow, go to Find an Engineer and search on ‘Fellow’ or ‘Distinguished Fellow’.


View the 2024 Fellows and Distinguished Fellows


Past Fellows and Distinguished Fellows

Past President's Award winners


Fellow – FEngNZ

Distinguished Fellow – DistFEngNZ

Honorary Fellow – HonFEngNZ

Become a Fellow

Fellowship is an honoured class of membership recognising highly experienced professionals who have made a huge impact on engineering in New Zealand.